Biggest let-down on a Blockbuster night

I actually have 2 nominations here…there was so much hype around Weekend at Bernies and I’m here to tell ya, that was one lousy movie…in second place but a very close second for biggest let down would be Shallow Hal , another stinker. There’s 5 bucks down the toilet.

Wow, two movies for 5 bucks from Blockbuster! Dude, the movies may have sucked, but that’s a great deal. Be happy for the little things.

I rented the skateboard documentary Dogtown and Z-Boys because I had seen a special on it on MTV. Well it turned out they had shown all the interesting footage on MTV already, and watching the real documentary was just boring. Waste of money.

I also regretted renting Topsy-Turvy.

Weekend at Bernie’s is routinely cited as a classic example of a terrible but (slightly) successful movie. I have never heard anyone say that it was at all good. It’s terribleness (?) is the reason it gets mentioned in sitcoms. (E.g., “What is Rachel’s favorite movie?”) You should have known it was going to be bad.

As for Shallow Hal, it has been criticized by a lot of people. But most seem to be by people who never noticed the first word of the title.

Here is a let down that involves Blockbuster.

The one near my friend does not carry the Godfather movies on DVD. They sell them behind the counter, but do not have them for rent.

I got it on tape, but was shocked they wouldn’t carry those.

Bowfinger - not only did the critics love it, but it was recommended to me by friends on several occasions. What a piece of crap - what were Eddie and Steve thinking?

I think Gwyenth Paltrow and Eddie Murphy should have gotten Oscar nominations for their roles in the above mentioned Shallow Hal and Bowfinger, respectively. I’m not kidding.

I got not one, but TWO copies of Panic Room only to be told that they needed to be played only on “unmodified Region 1 DVD players”. Huh???

(Yes, I know about regions. But I’ve never had that happen to me before.)

Don’t be dissin’ Bowfinger. Last time I watched that movie with a woman, I got some action, so it can’t be all bad. Seriously, though, I think it is a pretty funny movie.

I’m sorry, but you’d have to be on some pretty heavy sedation to think Bowfinger was good, or even “non-dissable”. Again I say, “what a piece of crap!” My opinion would be different if the movie had been the least bit funny or even mildly entertaining. My wife and I were rather pissed that we had wasted money on it.

I was really looking forward to Life as a House. What a trite, predictable vomitous pile, and unconscionable theft of two hours of my life.

I actually like Weekend at Bernies. Yes, it’s bad, that’s the point.

Sorry, K-wm, I have to leap to Bowfinger’s defense. Not only are Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy hilarious in this movie, it’s probably the best movie either one of them has made in the past 10 years.

But, then again, what do I know? I thought Weekend at Bernie’s was pretty funny, too.

Hmmm. Someone must be slipping me some mickeys then, 'cause I thought Bowfinger was a hell of a lot of fun, and a great paradoy of low-budget filmmaking. Far from the greatest film ever made, but count me as one of its fans.

And apparently, that same someone also slipped me some drugs when I attempted to spell ‘parody’.

I laughed almost all the way through Bowfinger. I even rented it when it came out.

I liked it a lot.

Steve Martin doesn’t do very many bad movies that don’t involve Goldie Hawn.

Shallow Hal SUCKED!!!

Bowfinger, Dogtown and Life as a House were all good!

The wife and I were very “disappointed” with the Mel Gibson movie Payback . We only watched it to the end because we were both too lazy to get up and hit the eject button. Seriously.

“Don’t Ever Tell” or whatever that tripe is with Michael Douglass and Brittany Murphy.

Not if you live in NH or VA (how they split the franchise this way I do not know) because the local video shop, Movie Scene rents all movies, including those released that day for $1 each on Tuesdays. And, better yet, the releases that have been out a couple of months aren’t due back until friday mornings.

Despite the $1 rental fee, I was terribly disappointed when I rented Mulholand Drive. Since I have no interest in the “good parts” (apparently the thing most people liked best about it were the sex scenes between the women) it just bored me beyond belief.

I hated Moulin Rouge. I like movies with style. i like movies with thin plots, I grew up in the 80’s on MTV, i know quick-edits. I hated this film. It started at disappointment, grew to confusion, a quick jump to apathy, and then right into hate.

I never knew what was going on, and worse, I was mad at Baz Luhrman that I didn’t. But, after watching and disliking Romeo + Juliet, and now MR, I know better. I won’t watch any more of his movies. In my book, he defines style over substance.