The democratic party is becoming splintered more by the day and whether you love or despise Ocasio-Cortez, the “new green deal” and social/progressive movement there is no question it is driving away the moderate/centrist democrats.
If Trump wins in 2020 i lay the blame firmly at the feet of the democrats inability to coalesce into a unified party.
I see no evidence of any splintering. Vigorous and passionate debate isn’t splintering. I’m very excited for an energetic primary for the presidential election – lots of different ideas are good, not bad.
Yeah, I’ve got to also ask where the splintering is taking place. I assume that you personally feel it, chargerrich, but I don’t. There. We’re evened out. Now make a case for the country.
Driving them to vote against Democrats? I don’t expect so. But if a third party candidate gets a lot of votes in 2020, and the Democratic candidate gets an unusually low vote then I may concede the point. If Trump as so-called president doesn’t drive Democrats to vote in even higher numbers than in 2016, then nothing will.
Warmonger? Trump just canceled the nuclear treaty with Russia, the only logical outcome of which is a new nuclear arms race. What could a Democrat do that would be more warlike?
I agree with this. My only worry is that we will not end up with the person who has the highest likelihood of beating Trump and flushing him and his cadre of sycophants down the toilet, and instead select someone (P or VP) who is too divisive. We need the middle this time, in strong numbers - crossover votes is what will be the deciding factor IMHO. If we cannot get moderate/conservatives to come over this time, they will stay with Trump; selecting someone too far left will be problematic.
Crossover votes? That didn’t work for Hillary, did it?
Granted, an Amy Klobuchar or Kirsten Gillibrand won’t be seen as the actual archdemoness Hillary Rodham Clinton, so may have a better shot with some conservatives. But too many Republicans want to vote for their own kind. There are very few crossover votes to be had.
Don’t try to steal conservatives. For one thing, you’ll screw up trying; conservatives caricature liberals, & liberals caricature conservatives; your misperceptions will betray you. For another, you need your own base, not someone else’s. Try to appeal to Americans as Americans. No, scratch that. Try to appeal to people who want the country to work better.
And WillFarnaby is probably right about one thing. A warmonger is not what your own base is looking for; they want the USA to deal with the many, many problems here at home. That said, we do need some actual foreign policy people in the Democratic Party; you know, diplomats.
Given that the dems have gone crazy on the Russia issue, I could only imagine how nuts they’ll be when they try to appear more tough on Russia than the reckless Trump.
I guess all these investigations are a waste of time and money because everybody keeps talking about how to beat Trump - which means he will be on the ballot in 2020 as if nothing happened.
I don’t think Hillary made a concerted effort to court crossover votes. She also had the legacy of the smear campaign as headwinds, so held little appeal there from the start. I think a moderate Dem candidate will retain the Dem base, but also pull-in some of those in the center who are fed-up with the GOP hijinx of late - they wont find some of the more progressive candidates appealing.
My opinion is that ~40% of voters will vote Democrat no matter who is on the ticket (if you can get them to the polls), and ~40% will always vote Republican no matter what. I suspect there are ~20% of voters who we should be vying for this time around - these are the voters who put Trump in office. We ignore or vilify them again and it will show we have not learned anything from 2016.
Until I witness El Guano in an orange jumpsuit getting his head twisted toward the press (ala El Chapo) and getting frogmarched to Leavenworth (thanks, Little Nemo), I wont count on him being convicted of any crimes. Show me the money!
Like calling Jill Stein a Russian agent? Using ‘Bernie Bro’ as a derisive term?
It’s weird. Most newspapers will support a Dem candidate, CNN and MSNBC, Young Turks, Slate, Salon, Vox, the entirety of Gizmodo if its still around…95% of celebrities…
…and in the end they will probably cost the Dems millions of votes.