Bigotry is Alive and Well in Idaho

Hm. Brief research suggests that jumping the broom existed in both african and pre-christian European cultures. I’d forgotten the Roots version.

I have not been a member very long but I have read the boards since 2002. I cannot recall any member in good standing being racist and/or typing racist epithets. A lot may be assholes, myself included, but who are you accusing of being racist? I’m not including trolls and sock puppets here.

One thing I find most troubling about Madison, WI is how lily-white it is. And there are significant numbers of racists here in the “People’s Republic of Madison”. I had a coworker tell me he was moving out of the city because he was worried the city was getting too “dark”. I asked him if he planned to move to Norway, which was the only place I could think of whiter than Madison. But there are apparently a number of suburbs even whiter than Madison.

The UW here gained some notoriety a few years back when they published a recruiting brochure with a picture of packed bleachers at a football game on the cover. They Photoshopped-in a picture of a black student to make the crowd look more diverse.

Note the reference was to “the board that shall not be named”, not to SDMB.

Can someone give me any hints what that aforementioned board is? :confused:

How about GuyNblueJeans ?
Here’s another of his incomprehensible pleasantries.

So they added *one * person for crowd diversity? That’s hilarious.

The story in the OP is too bad, but I can’t say I"m surprised.

Oooh, oops. I read it differently, as in “those on the board that shall not be named”. I do apologize for that mistake. Man, I keep apologizing a lot here.

at a guess, stormfront . org

Well, it would have looked too obvious if they pasted in the same black student a bunch of times. :stuck_out_tongue:

There have been some racist assholes posting on the board. I know one is still an occassional poster. No, I’m not going to name names. But don’t fool yourself into thinking the board only extends membership to enlightened posters. It doesn’t.

But Canadjun beat me to the rest of what I was gonna say.

Why won’t you name names? If somone is blatantly racist it should be incumbent upon you to call them out. Why should you protect them from rapprochment or give them any due? I’m not one to give someone a pass for being racist or homophobic just beacause they are literate. Call them out.

See post #25.

Wow, he equates Rupert Murdoch and Satan with Ted Koppell? Come on, everyone knows Koppell is a good guy and would never be in league with those evil bastards. I couldn’t get through the rest of the thread, sorry.

Try and struggle through this single post without choking on your own vomit, or perhaps laughing yourself to death.

This Guy is still a member in good standing.

There are others, but they are not of the frothing at the mouth type. They are harder to pin down. You get a sense of it more from their tone than any explicit statements.

Yeah, as much as I loathe Oprah and her holier than thou attitude, errr what?
Uh, I meant to say that guy in the dungarees is pretty near getting banned. Because his shit is offensive? No. Because many people here will get tired of the crap and he will lose it and go haywire.

Two reasons: first, I do not wish to give them any more publicity than they already have, for as you are aware, any press is good press; second: I do not wish to foment a board war by calling them out and over to the SDMB, for rather than working toward changing their attitudes, that would simply bog down our boards – it is one thing to go over there and take a stand until banned from there, but it is quite another to then have them follow back here and derail a great many threads by turning innocuous threads into battles over racism.

Northern Piper has named the group. If you google about on the newlyweds’ names, you will find a popular blog that has already had to shut down its comments feature due to that group invading it, and which links to the racist group.

I am under the impression that just over a month ago he was suspended for 30 days, and has not posted since. I expect that if he returns and continues on where he left off, he will not be long for these boards.

That may be, I haven’t heard it. He shows as being a member, tho, and if his suspension has passed, that would mean he’s still in “good standing”. He’s the best example I can think of as a racist tolerated as a member. Which is ok, every fruitcake is entitled to their bizarro-world view.

Well I’m ompossed to it. I don’t think cheerleader should be allowed to reproduse

This must be stopped! But if they agree to only have children without the flippy haircut, than maybe.

Sorry about the bad spelling. I come from a long line of white people. Maybe we need some new genes.

I wish the best for them. They look like they’ll have the most beautiful children. I can’t beive there are are people who still think like that.

We don’t like Idaho. Does that make us Statist?

(Couldn’t care less about who marries whom.)