Bike handlebars won't stay tight!

Last year I tightened them up once or twice, but this year they won’t stay tight! They are very loose and using a wrench isn’t doing much. I put them in the position I want them, but as soon as I put any weight on them (such as when I stand up and pedal) they get pushed forward all the way. I don’t like them all the way forward, what can I do?

The bike is a Raleigh SC-30, bought it last year.

Dumb initial questions (no one else is playing and we should start somewhere)–Are you using wrenches from both sides (if an option) so that the bolt doesn’t just slip and turn with the one wrench?
Try the two wrenches technique if possible. You need some decent torque so if the bolt does go all the way through to meet a nut or the like you’ll need to secure the back side.
If the bar is for some reason in fact sized poorly for the stem, have you tried inserting a shim? Try a layer of something like soda-can around the bar.

I second the shim. If not take it down to a bike shop, by overtightning you could compromise the integrity of the metal. I worked in a bike shop for years, and seen this a few times.

I will try the two wrenches. Der.

They’re still loose. They won’t tighten up. I’ll take it in to the shop. Grr. it’s just been one of those weeks where things that are relatively new DON’T WORK RIGHT.