For the 20th time today, I attempted to do the unthinkable and search the SDMB archives for a long-ago made post by manhattan to use in tribute to his leaving his moderator-ship.
For the 20th time today, I sat there while the fucking little blue line crept along the bottom of my Internet Explorer screen with all the speed of a tree sloth on quaaludes.
For the 20th time today, I was treated to the dreaded: NOVELL BORDERMANAGER INFO ALERT: 504 Gateway timeout.
For the 20th time today, my heart rate increased, my eyelid started twitching, and I had visions of pummeling Bill Gates and his horseraping Internet Explorer to death using only my white hot hatred and the F5 key on my keyboard.
For the 20th time today, my blood boiled, my fist pounded my desk, and I had visions of jamming a giant flourescent lightbulb up Jack Messman’s ass and breaking it internally with repeated blows to the colon with my office’s pre-ENIAC piece-of-crap server.
For the 20th time today, my head exploded in rage, my teeth ground to a the gums, and I had visions of not saying nice things about Cecil Adams.
Dear Og, this place gets frustrating.
Hell, I’ll be fucking surprised if it takes only one click to get this damn thread started…