Bill O'Reilly is mad at God

Yeah, BillO was one more of God’s greatest mistakes.

textbook “it’s not my fault” whining of a psychopath.

Who is this God person, anyway?


ETA: NY Times page with the podcast here.

Some callous old bastard who plays dice with the universe.

That cracked me up. But… that other guy CAN be quite the charlatan.

Sympathy for Billo.

I mean how must it feel for him to see that other narcissistic blow-hard conspiracy-theorist racist sexual predator sitting in the White House, while he’s stuck doing podcasts.

By all account, with all that has come to pass, this should be HIS TIME!

I mean PODCASTS, for the love of god, the indignity!

Wait until he finds out how pissed God is at him.

God is dead… and we have the body.

60% sarcastic, 20% irony, 30% despair.

He is mad at God much the same way the Frankenstein Monster was mad at HIS creator. Ya know, for making him so hideous.

Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
Wyatt Earp: What does he need?
Doc Holliday: Revenge.
Wyatt Earp: For what?
Doc Holliday: Bein’ born.

And that’s the trifecta. This is the salute smilie, right? :smack: This sort of dedication deserves a salute.

An. . .altar room? :confused:

You guys are so stupid…[Sarcasm] Bill has already said he’s gonna have a big revelation about why all the accusations are bullshit, he just paid 32 MILLION!!! To protect his kids…[Sarcasm]
On a serious note the most hilarious part of this was where I read when some anonymous woman ignored his come-ons of all actions to take in response he chose to insert her… Brand of purse… lol!!!

Here is that sketch.

Classic post/sig combo.:smiley:

Altar rooms are usually somewhere near the middle of the holy hut.

He’s the guy that is responsible for all the good stuff and the bad stuff. You sort it out as to how it applies to you. :smack::confused:

Looks like Billo the Clown isn’t terribly familiar with the Book of Job.