It is hard to find a better advocate of Right Wing conservative ideals than Bill O’Reilly (of Fox News O’Rielly Factor). Although I find many of his views abhorrent…I sometimes enjoy his program. I really want to believe he genuinely is seeking solutions to the problems of our world. When he argues for a position, he usually seems to have a rational argument behind it…as opposed to simply standing behind a position due to blind faith. I also want to believe he would alter his view if he discovered it was flawed, which is a hallmark of a person on a path towards wisdom.
Do I think Bill O’Reilly is wise? Mmm…no. I think he is a little sleazy in the way he uses his show to trounce views he disagrees with. He does invite opposing opinions on the show, but he happily talks over them and bully’s them when it is convenient. Nonetheless, I suppose such tactics are fair game in a public debate. I just personally find them distasteful.
In any case, let’s return the subject that is more important than the character of any single person: The problems of our society. I mention Bill O’Rielly because he was recently generous enough to encapsulate the Right Wing Conservative vision of America in his recent Talking Points Memo. In this memo he credited the recent signs of economic recovery to George Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, but then he goes on to say, “The federal government is spending far too much money on entitlements and wasteful programs that don’t work.” And next O’Reilly very nicely defines the two basic opposing schools of thoughts (from his perspective) regarding taxes and social benefit programs.
He begins with the Left “Liberal Vision”. He says,
“You cannot run a nanny state as the far left wants and have reasonable taxation. That’s impossible. The left wants an economy run by the government, with money going to every social and medical program imaginable…”
Mr. O’Reilly then describes the Right wing view, which he obviously favors:
“The conservative take is a supply side system, whereby consumers spend and jobs are created by the private sector, which profits from the spending, obviously. No one in this country should pay more than half their income to the government. That is not how capitalism works. If we want to change over to socialism, let’s discuss it.”
Well, there we have it, the Left wing liberal vision and the right wing conservative vision. Which one is the right idea? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Full text of the Talking Points Memo quoted above.
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