Billy Mays alert!!

I just got my TV Guide today, and it says the infamous Billy Mays is a guest this Friday on Jay Leno! :eek:

Oh, hell no. Somebody help us!

I never watch Leno. I prefer Letterman. The only time in the last several years I have watched Leno was last week when President Obama was on.

I realllllllllly dislike Billy Mays. Every time one of his shouting commercials comes on, I can’t find the MUTE button fast enough.

So, did anybody watch this?

I thought this was going to be about him punching a prostitute, too. Too bad.

What I’m mainly wanting to know:

  1. Did he have anything in his hands that he held up to the camera?
  2. Did he scream?
  3. Did he use black or brown shoe polish on his beard?

Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan are joining forces for a new Discovery series. Those who watch anything under Discovery’s umbrella probably heard this about a hundred times already and are sick of hearing about it. My apologies to them and be glad there’s no audio.