Please, what is the reason for doing this? Environmentalist concerns aside (I am more of a “humanist” myself), why not just destroy the eggs outright?
Also, what on earth could the airport possibly be spending “millions” on in order to deter birds? None of the techniques listed in that article would seem to cost very much. I do know that NASA has bird radar, and probably the airport has it too. But even the most expensive technology I can come up with would not cost them millions.
If you destroy the eggs, most birds will lay new ones. If you kill the eggs but leave them intact the parents will continue to incubate them and won’t try again.
If I were in charge my solution would involve birdshot and a honey-orange glaze.
As for the question about how it could cost millions- They probably have a few dozen people employed to work specifically for that program. Salaries add up fast.