Bitch-get out of my life

No, it just means you’re too stubborn to talk to her, because that’d be “giving in”. If you were really over her, it wouldn’t bother you who she talked to, or who of your friends talked to her, or if you saw her swapping IM screen names. If you were really over her and thought she was seriously stalking you, you’d remove her IM names from your notification lists, or block her messages, and you’d block or filter her E-mail. You’re the one creating this situation - you told her you didn’t want to talk to her, so fucking deal with that situation. Suck it up, remove her from the list, block everything. By leaving her on your Buddy list, you’re probably stringing her along - she might well be thinking “he doesn’t really mean that he doesn’t want to talk to me if I’m still on it.”

And if you were really over her, it wouldn’t have taken this many posts from you saying “I’m over her” while numerous other posters here are saying “you’re not”.

Option 1: You’re not over her, and not willing to face that. Option 2: You suck at explaining things. Learn how to tell a coherent story clearly laying out what happened in the past vs. what is happening now. It’s really, really not clear as to when you were feeling jealous of her talking to your friend and if that’s still going on or not; it seems to change from post to post.

There’s possibly another explanation too, but this is enough.

Her IM names were gone from my list and aren’t on there now. For months, I had the option of allowing only those on my list to contact me. I read the e-mails she sent me, not blocked them, though I didn’t respond.
For the record, I was jealous of them talking but got frustrated and started not to care. I have no idea whether they still talk or not.

That exact kind!

Dude, I so wanna have your babies.

Whatever, Hama, I wanna have like 10,000 of his babies!

Well, you could ask them…

Ethilrist, I could, but I really don’t care if they talk or not. It’s high time I just stopped thinking about her.

Back of Hama and Eonwe. I don’t like him anymore. I am so over him. But, I don’t think anyone else from this message board should talk to him. It makes me angry and jealous when you talk to him.

But, I am over him!

Ok. I’ll try again. Basically because I’m bored and have already trimmed my toenails.

Stoveboltian, you sound like the one who is obsessed. I realize you are young and impressionable and all so I’ll just give you a clue about something you may not understand: People who are over people don’t give a flying fuck anymore about what the other party does or does not do.

Here’s an example. I broke up with someone who then lingered around my IM/email space. You know what I did? Nothing. I didn’t answer his IM’s and didn’t give a rats ass about his emails. Does that make any sense to you?

Igloo, that is what I have been doing. I don’t answer her IMs and I blocked her and don’t answer her emails.

Then what the fuck is your problem? You can’t make her disappear from the planet, so live with that and get on with your life.

Since when do you get to decide who I talk to? You’re not the boss of me!

I am so over you.

I am also so over Stoveboltian, OpalCat, and Hamadryad. However, I am, unfortunately, so still hung up on Eonwe. None of the rest of you may talk to her.

I just need to completely erase her from my life in order to move on with my life.

(Or, possibly, him. I’m not really sure.)

(But it doesn’t matter, dammit!)

I am not trying to control you. I am over you. But, I know that you still love me. I am afraid that you love me so much you might try to email me a birthday card.

Ask my friends…except the ones you aren’t allowed to talk to…they know you still love me.

This may be my favorite SDMB sentence of all time. May I have it for a sig? Please?

So erase her from your life.

Part of the strategy there may include something along the lines of not posting about your infactuation with her friends and IMing habits on a message board, but perhaps my strategies about these things differ from yours.

IM asks me if I want to recieve a message from person, I say yes or no, depending on mood. I get so much spam e-mail that any unwanted notes can go out with the rest of the garbage.

If any of that housekeeping is a HUGE TRAUMATIC deal for you, than you are not over her. You may say you are over her, you may want to be over her, but you are not over her. In another news flash, its okay to not be over someone even if, by all rights, you should be over them. Sometimes things are deeply hurtful and even long after you are still hung up on them. Its a human thing.

In your efforts to get over this girl, though, you may want to consider honestly examining your feelings for her and working with the situation as it is in reality, rather than this fantasy world where you are so over her, and yet can’t help feeling bitter, jealous, or controlling toward her.

You are right when you say that you need to move on, and you are going to be of no use to any future girlfriend if you remain bitter, jealous and controlling. Don’t totally mess up your ability to be happy in a relationship over one girl in high school. It happens, its serious, and its bad.

If you’re “so over her” why are you bitching about her on this message board?

This thread is too stupid to live. It remains to be seen if the OP is also too stupid to live.

Say goodnight, Gracie.
