Recently Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, accused Clinton of using violence and death to further his political agenda. Of course this pissed Herr Clinton mightily and Gore and the HCI went on the attack.
First, Gore came out and claimed that this accusation of LaPierre’s, was indicitive of the “sickness at the heart of the NRA.”
Forget of course that the heart of the NRA is 3 million American. Forget of course that there are between 65-80 million gun owners in America.
Second, HCI has released a press release. As I was reading it, it occurred to me that it needed to be interpreted back into reality.
I am taking the stance now that Handgun Control Incorporated has a policy to LIE.
Not make mistakes, but actively LIE to further their agenda. I am not trying to re-run the gun debate here, only establish whether or not any information from HCI can be trusted.
I have already run into two of their most famous creations here on the Straght Dope, Cop-killing bullets and Plastic handguns.
Both of these buzz phrases make gun owners laugh, as there are no such things. However, HCI seems very good at manufacturing propaganda to stir up emotions in people who are not informed about guns.
Here is their latest sheet of LIES, and my interpretation to bring them back to reality. (yes this is long, but I am pissed)
From now on, the beginning of each quote will be the supposed WHOPPER of a lie, and then the HCI version will follow.
Notice that they themselves prove the case against them. You may not like that the NRA fought other anti-2nd Amendment legislation, but it was the NRA that offered a compromise in the form of an instant back ground check system to move things forward.
Please do not forget that the NRA is made up of citizens, much like HCI is. When the NRA fights legislation, it is not one person being stubborn, it is the will of 3 million Americans who have joined the NRA.
I would like to see the stats on people who purchased a gun and then went on a killing spree immediately afterwards. I would imagine (without even trying) that we would be hearing about this non-stop on the news if this had happened recently.
Those who have followed the gun rights debate here on the SD know that most of us do not see the suicide arguement as being relevant. I do not plan on giving up my right to self-defense because someone else might harm themselves.
Notice that there is ZERO references to support their statistics. This is the same organization that claims 13 children a day die form gun accidents. HCI is becoming known for MANUFACTURING their numbers on child related gun deaths.
Gun storage. There seems to be a disconnect between the reason for owning a gun, and how to store it. How are you supposed to use a gun for self-defense when you have it locked up with the bullets in a seperate locked safe in another room?
We either have the right to protect ourselves or we do not.
There is also no mention of NRA safety programs that are designed to educate children about gun safety. When children are educated about guns properly, accidents are less likely to occur than when guns are demonizied.
Trigger locks. How do you enforce trigger lock laws? Will there be government inspections of every home that owns a gun?
This one is one of my favorites.
Illinois: The law in question would treat all citizens who carried a gun that was not locked in a SEPERATE trunk as felonies. This means that if you were going to the range in a SUV, and it did not have a seperate, locked trunk to store the weapon in, then you were guilty of a felony crime.
Even if you had it in a locked case with the ammo in a seperate locked case.Of course the way they defended this law was to claim they were only enforcing it against the city p