BloodSuckers, HCI, Clinton and the needed Interpretation

Recently Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, accused Clinton of using violence and death to further his political agenda. Of course this pissed Herr Clinton mightily and Gore and the HCI went on the attack.

First, Gore came out and claimed that this accusation of LaPierre’s, was indicitive of the “sickness at the heart of the NRA.”

Forget of course that the heart of the NRA is 3 million American. Forget of course that there are between 65-80 million gun owners in America.

Second, HCI has released a press release. As I was reading it, it occurred to me that it needed to be interpreted back into reality.

I am taking the stance now that Handgun Control Incorporated has a policy to LIE.

Not make mistakes, but actively LIE to further their agenda. I am not trying to re-run the gun debate here, only establish whether or not any information from HCI can be trusted.

I have already run into two of their most famous creations here on the Straght Dope, Cop-killing bullets and Plastic handguns.

Both of these buzz phrases make gun owners laugh, as there are no such things. However, HCI seems very good at manufacturing propaganda to stir up emotions in people who are not informed about guns.

Here is their latest sheet of LIES, and my interpretation to bring them back to reality. (yes this is long, but I am pissed)

Goebbels would be proud

From now on, the beginning of each quote will be the supposed WHOPPER of a lie, and then the HCI version will follow.

Notice that they themselves prove the case against them. You may not like that the NRA fought other anti-2nd Amendment legislation, but it was the NRA that offered a compromise in the form of an instant back ground check system to move things forward.

Please do not forget that the NRA is made up of citizens, much like HCI is. When the NRA fights legislation, it is not one person being stubborn, it is the will of 3 million Americans who have joined the NRA.

I would like to see the stats on people who purchased a gun and then went on a killing spree immediately afterwards. I would imagine (without even trying) that we would be hearing about this non-stop on the news if this had happened recently.

Those who have followed the gun rights debate here on the SD know that most of us do not see the suicide arguement as being relevant. I do not plan on giving up my right to self-defense because someone else might harm themselves.

Notice that there is ZERO references to support their statistics. This is the same organization that claims 13 children a day die form gun accidents. HCI is becoming known for MANUFACTURING their numbers on child related gun deaths.

Gun storage. There seems to be a disconnect between the reason for owning a gun, and how to store it. How are you supposed to use a gun for self-defense when you have it locked up with the bullets in a seperate locked safe in another room?

We either have the right to protect ourselves or we do not.

There is also no mention of NRA safety programs that are designed to educate children about gun safety. When children are educated about guns properly, accidents are less likely to occur than when guns are demonizied.

Trigger locks. How do you enforce trigger lock laws? Will there be government inspections of every home that owns a gun?

This one is one of my favorites.

Illinois: The law in question would treat all citizens who carried a gun that was not locked in a SEPERATE trunk as felonies. This means that if you were going to the range in a SUV, and it did not have a seperate, locked trunk to store the weapon in, then you were guilty of a felony crime.

Even if you had it in a locked case with the ammo in a seperate locked case.Of course the way they defended this law was to claim they were only enforcing it against the city p

I couldn’t find any informatation on Instacheck on the NRA website, so I’m uncertain as to what their original claim is. However, giving up something grudgingly as a compromise doesn’t really qualify as an acheivement. However, without original information, I have to evaluate HCI point as weak.

I searched the HCI website for information regarding waiting periods. I found no statistics regarding impulse homicides and suicides, only a couple of anecdotes. Clearly they have made an unsupported assertion and have generalized from anecdotes.

The voting statistics appear plausible, however the link is maintained by the advocates of the Missouri CCW law. Still, I’m persuaded that the statement by HCI is false.

I stopped checking the HCI website after these findings. Clearly HCI is not an organization dedicated to scientific statistical inquiry.

Beware of drawing too many conclusions from this analysis. To deduce that gun-control is ineffective or unreasonable only because one advocate is using faulty logic would be committing the fallacy of Argumentum ad logicam, or the “fallacy fallacy.”

Political arguments, sadly, are not won or lost on good, scientific analysis. They are most often won on lies, exaggerations, half truths and unsupported generalizations.

Being personally committed to honesty, rationality, good science. I am removing the link to HCI from my website. I still remain a gun-control advocate, and I’m saddened that Sarah Brady feels it is necessary and useful to achieve her goals in the manner demonstrated on her web site. I am even more saddened by the realization that gun control will probably be achieved by these means and not by rational discourse.

Since the debate about gun control has moved beyond the bounds of rationality on both sides, I will no longer comment on that debate. Never before has my new sig become so apt and so depressing.

Against stupidity the very gods / Themselves contend in vain.

You know singledad,

I was picking my self off the floor with surprise at your post, and was wondering if there was possibly some hope in the gun threads, when I found this:

I was begining to think we might possibly be moving towards a common ground. I have 3.5 agreements with RTFirefly, although he will probably deny that after he reads this post, and then a couple people were agreeing about the no-knock raids, I thought some light was shining through everyone’s differences.

I even read somewhere that califboomer admitted he was wrong a couple of times. Now I don’t expect the creationists and the evolutionists to suddenly agree on everything, nor do I expect Orion***orion to stop trolling the threads about homosexuality. But I was looking forward to moving the gun debate to new ground.

On another thread several of us were bitching about statistics that were being twisted in the gun debates. We were actually bitching about it on both sides. This press release just struck me as being a good example of that.

I don’t think there is any mileage left in debating whether or not guns kill more kids or save lives every year. I was looking forward to the debate you proposed about whether or not you could even amend the constitution to nullify a part of the Bill of Rights.

So please reconsider. I will try to be nice and rational. (if at all possible :slight_smile: )

Freedom: Sorry. I’m tired of debating whose statistics are less biased. Since I am not a professional statistician or researcher, I simply cannot afford the time and energy necessary to dig through the bullshit to find the facts.

“Real” political debate is a noxious activity, where truth is the first casualty. I have come to the opinion that facts and rational analysis will not decide public policy in this regard.

I may perhaps decide to rejoin the debate at a later time. For now I am disillusioned and exhausted.

Regarding my challenge regarding the possibility of amending the Bill of Rights, I was hoping that, since you were making the assertion, you would make the initial post. I want you to present the assertion in your own words, to avoid any subtle bias in my interpretation.

Against stupidity the very gods / Themselves contend in vain.

No problem, I have been building up my arguement :slight_smile: This is an angle I haven’t argued before, so I am jumping in with both feet. Give me a couple of days, I will post it before the weekend.


I just replied to you in the LIB thread.

Here’s another lie from the HCI folks. Somewhere on their website, I remember reading that they do not want to ban all guns outright, however I have this quote from Pete Shields, founder of HCI.

UncleBeer: No offense, but you’re beating a dead horse. However many sillinesses and stupidities you find in HCI, all you prove is that their information is not accurate.

I examined the HCI website and found enough faulty reasoning to weaken their reputation sufficiently that I could no longer represent them as a source of accurate and scientific information.

Freedom, UncleBeer, and all you other gun control opponents, I offer you a challenge: Examine the web sites opposing gun control, especially the NRA’s. Use all your critical thinking skills. Put your personal opinions on hold. Look for examples of faulty reasoning, most especially:
[ul][li]Generalization from anecdotes[/li][li]Biased samples[/li][li]Unsupported assertions[/li][li]Post hoc ergo propter hoc[/li][li]“Fallacy fallacy”[/li][li]Proof by popularity[/li][li]Bifurcation (excluded middle)[/li][li]Appeal to Nature[/li][li]Straw Man[/ul][/li]
Two excellent sources of information on logical fallacies may be found at The Atheism Web and The Nizkor Project.

I’m not trying to make the case that gun control is right or wrong. I’m trying to make the case that all participants have to some degree left sound argument behind and compromised logic to compete in the messy and irrational arena of popular political debate.

Against stupidity the very gods / Themselves contend in vain.

SingleDad wrote:

I disagree.

If HCI’s webpage claims that they are not out to outlaw all handguns, but the founder of HCI claims that their ultimate goal is to outlaw all handguns, then that is more than just an inaccuracy. That is an outright deception.

However, when I took a peek at , I couldn’t find any statements on their website saying that they “didn’t want to ban all guns.” (Then again, I didn’t scour their site thoroughly and may have missed it.) And, technically, if the founder wants to outlaw all handguns except within licensed sporting clubs, he’s not actually out to ban all handguns – just all defensive uses of them.

Well, I would think that if you’re a non-profit “public advocacy” group, you have to make up a lot of your press because the facts you want to present just aren’t there.

You have to keep coming up with something to cause idiot chuckleheads to keep giving you money.

I am very interested in what RTFirefly has to say about this. RTFirefly said he doesn’t support a total ban of handguns, will he pull his support for HCI?

I’ve read the OP several times and still can’t find the “debate”. Someone want to enlighten me?

Although this was said in reference to the HCI, it also applies to the NRA. My previous job in Quality Control put me in charge of monitoring several call centers, some of which made calls for NRA membership renewals. The most successful centers were those that, IMO, used the most rhetoric- “Clinton is trying to repeal the 2nd amendment/scuttle the Bill of Rights” was the typical example.

Personally, I think both the HCI and the NRA are full of it.

No problem. Here is the debate:

The rest was my case based on this press release.

Then please post it. I am more than willing to rip the NRA up if they are also lying. I see no benefit in creating facts.


I do not see an opinion and rhetoric as proof of this.

It sure seems this way to me. I could be wrong, but it is my interpretation of their actions. It certainly seems to me that HCI has no respect for the Bill of Rights. They seem to feel that if safety is an issue, than all bets are off.

I think what is important here is a PATTERN of outright lies about facts. A concerted effort to distort the truth.

Feel free to post anything from the NRA.

And their commentary section where you would find any examples of lies.

NRA Propaganda

(watch the first couple of minutes)

NRA Speeches

Have a go at them. I will not defend any lies from anyone.

I am also wondering what RTFirefly thinks about this. I put HCI in the title with the specific hope of getting his opinion.

You asked and here it is.


It’s right down there at the bottom of [this page]

I want to make clear, just for the record, that the inferior quality of HCI’s arguments does not, in and of itself, argue one way or another for the validity of gun control.

Even if the biggest fool in the world concludes that 2+2=4, and arrives at that conclusion through the most improbable and ridiculous of fallacies, his conclusion is not thereby wrong.

That’s probably the biggest reason why I found the HCI press release so distasteful. IMHO the case for gun control is easy to make from actual facts; slinging more mud at the NRA is not a rational argument. Even if they were 100% correct, that, in and of itself, would not constitute an argument in favor of gun control.

'Nuff said. On to better things.

“Singledad, This is Moses. I just wanted to point out that if the NRA was 100% right, then there would be no debate, only reality Vs. those who have an irrational emotional agenda.”


Sorry about the UBB code.

You have to admit that it was a great move to get Moses behind the NRA :slight_smile:
That should have looked like this:

“Singledad, This is Moses. I just wanted to point out that if the NRA was 100% right, then there would be no debate, only reality Vs. those who have an irrational emotional agenda.”

gasp Soylent Green is made from people!!

UncleBeer, Freedom, Glitch, et al: I apparently missed the furor over Pete Shields’ remarks. I was probably distracted by the fact that, when his comments reached print, the Democrats were nominating Jimmy Carter to run against Jerry Ford.

Now I’ll let you continue this one without me. I feel like I’ve mostly been debating guns lately, and there are many other things I’d rather talk about right now. But another time, OK?

Enough of voting for the lesser of evils - vote Cthulhu 2000!

I generally support a strong interpretation of the 2nd ammendment, though I do not feel that universal gun registration is a bad idea. A gun is an instrument of deadly force and responsibility must accompany the choice to take that instrument into your hand. That said:

There are very specific measures required to repeal an ammendment ot th econstitution. If the NRA has no evidnce that Clinton has initiated ot plans to initiate those procedures then the statement above is a bald lie.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

I know the thread is dead. There is no one willing to argue for the accuracy of HCI.

However, I couldn’t believe what I just read, and had to put it in here. At least I will be able to find it if I ever want it later.

**Governor’s aide sends Maryland lawmakers inflated gun-death data **


I am so pissed at these guys. There is really no way to defend them. Everytime you want to move on, they put out more false information.