Nacho4Sara really drew my attention in This thread over in MPSIMS when she said this:
Since I don’t want to get a size 12 clog print on my ass for making an “unmundane and pointful” post over there, I thought I’d start a new thread over here.
Sara, you have every right to disagree with my opinion, and I’m willing to fight and die to defend your right to continue to disagree, hate me, think I’m an idiot, think I live under a bed, etc. However, you most certainly do NOT have the right to infringe on my rights. Especially not the Natural and Unalienable rights endowed by my Creator (from some obscure document I found on the web) and protected by the Bill of Rights.
You’re right…you have no need to reiterate the arguments in favor of gun control, because they a) are not in any way corroborated by the facts, and b) have been pretty thoroughly debunked in any one of the several dozen gun control threads here in GD. The 2nd Amendment does not mention hunting. The right to bear arms is protected because an armed populace is “necessary to the security of a free state.”
Yes, people are killed accidentally by guns, but in nowhere near the numbers that HCI and Senator Feynstein would have you believe (UncleBeer has quoted the statistics on accidental gun deaths so often, I suspect he has it stored on a keyboard macro just to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). But you need to weigh the cost. It would save millions of lives and eliminate traffic fatalities if we instituted a national speed limit of 5 mph. Would it be worth the cost? I don’t think there’s a single rational person who would say yes. Gun control is the same way: In an ideal world, eliminating guns would eliminate gun deaths. Not only would the cost would be far greater than the potential gain, but keep in mind that murders were just as widespread as they are now, long before the advent of the gun. I could kill you just as dead, just as easily with a knife or a pointed stick as with a gun.
This is NOT an ideal world, and outlawing guns will not eliminate them. It only takes them out of the hands of the people who are not the problem: Law-abiding citizens. Gun control makes criminals out of honest people, and criminals (who have no regard for the law anyway) into a few wolves among sheep. Robert Heinlein correctly noted that “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life,” and while we wait for the usual rabidly anti-gun crowd to show up, I’ll leave you with a few more interesting quotes to peruse:
{Fixed link. --Gaudere}
[Edited by Gaudere on 11-28-2000 at 03:37 PM]