Bloons TD 5

Anyone playing this? I made it through all the solo tracks, and now I’d like to beat at least some of the co-op tracks in order to get enough tokens to finish my upgrades. Multiplayer has several problems, though.

One (on iPad, at least) is that you can’t pick a specific track or difficulty unless you make a private game and invite a friend. So it’s a crapshoot as far as getting a track you haven’t already gotten. Beyond that, you’re playing with strangers, so disconnects are pretty common, and griefing isn’t unheard of.

So if anyone out there has the time and interest to play through a half dozen co-op tracks, I’d appreciate it. I only need 25 more tokens. That’s what I want as a minimum, but I’d also be down with playing more tracks after hitting that mark. You get extra cash for beating a track the first time, and I also would like to finish upgrading my support structures.

Heh, now that I think about it, you can beat most (all?) of these tracks solo, so all I really need is a second person to agree to sit in the game with me. You could start the game and walk away until it’s time to start the next one.

You just discovered this game? It’s been on Kongregate since '12. Fun for a while, but didn’t like all the hoops I had to jump through to get better weapons, and do NOT get me started on the various missions.

Not sure who can help you (not going to be me, that’s for sure). It might help if you specified which system or server this was, what time of day you’re going to need, etc.