Bluebell Ice Cream Is Evil And A Big Cow Statue... The MMP

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Good morning all!

Ex! It’s damn good to see you! We missed you!

Welcome to the newbies. We’re a bunch of nice folk here. I think you will find this place easy to post to, mainly because we ramble on about whatever suits our fancy at the moment.

We don’t have Bluebell ice cream here, I think. Leastways, I’ve never seen it. I love ice cream, but rarely get to it before the kids eat it all. I bought two tubs of it on Friday. Yesterday it was all gone. I didn’t get a single spoonful. :frowning:

FCM, I hope your poor foot starts feeling better.

My goodness, it’s going to be a regular scorcher outside today. We’re talking mid to upper 90s. I’m gonna melt, I just know it.

I best get to work. Lots to do, so little time.

I think we should go with Tarry. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m soooo tired. The new mattress is coming tomorrow evening, and I’m really hoping that solves some of the sleep problems. I can’t keep going like this! :mad:

I really like Breyer’s fudge twirl ice cream, but they don’t have it out here! :eek: So I guess I have to find a new favorite. Ben and Jerry’s is really good but too expensive for routine consumption. I haven’t tried Bluebell before. I may have to look in to it. Ice cream (and cheese and chocolate and pizza) is why I drag my tired butt out of bed in the morning to go to the gym. If I can eat a little bit of it any time I want, it makes the workouts all worthwhile. :smiley:

It hasn’t died down so much as it’s exhausted my patience.

This new job really sucks doorknobs. I used to pray that people would just leave me alone and let me work, and now I have to hold peoples’ hands all damned day. You’d think that if you gave somebody something to do that you knew was perfectly within his capabilities that he’d just handle it. You’d think that, but you’d be wrong. Handle it, dammit. I’d rather do damage control after the fact than babysit you through a simple routine task. Jerk.

In other news, I finally got that stupid bathroom remodel job done, so that’s off my ass. I don’t have any “before and after” pictures, because I forgot to take the “befores”, and “afters” without “befores” aren’t any fun. You can trust me, though. It’s, like, millions of times better. I wonder if I can remodel my wife.

In other other news, a crazy workout schedule has got my body weight all the way back up to about 175 pounds, so I should be a 200 pound behemoth by about 2011.

In other other other news, I ate a cinnamon bun this morning and now my keyboard is all sticky.

I love ice cream. Love. Love love love. When I’m feeling all grown up, I love plain, smooth creamy ice cream. But I don’t usually feel grown up. So, mostly I love ice cream with stuff in it. Cookies, brownies, pieces of cake, nuts, candy – any or all of that stuff, in any combination. If I bought plain ice cream, but no longer feel grown up enough to enjoy it, I will empty the fridge and maybe a cabinet or two into it. A big spoonful of peanut butter swirled in, maybe some chocolate chips… oh yes, I love ice cream. I remember teaching my daughter how to lick ice cream off an ice cream cone when she was little and still riding in a stroller. Recently, I made fried ice cream for dessert when we had some friends over for dinner, because it fit right in with the Tex-Mex meal. It was really good. I have eaten so much ice cream at one time that it has made me sick. But that wasn’t the ice cream’s fault, so I still love it.

:: comes back to earth :: Um, sorry. A little ice cream interlude.

Happy Monday and good morning to all. I have a ton of things to take care of at the office today, and I don’t want to do any of it. I guess I should just get it out of the way. Otherwise, I’m sure it’ll just sneak around behind me & take a big bite from the seat of my pants. Work is like that.

And before I forget (or start talking about ice cream again), FCM, add me to the list of those telling you to get that foot looked at. I once broke a bone in my foot when I stepped on a pin. Who would have thought that was even possible? There’s no reason to be in pain - just get it checked!

Ha! I had no idea about the nickname thing. I think I kinda like Spicy just a bit more … it implies a certain raciness I guess. :wink:

We’ve had so much rain here - lost power last night (during Deadwood of all times!) for about 40 minutes, and the rain was still coming down. This morning everything was soppy and muddy and lots of pools of standing water. I couldn’t face trying to maneuver in all that mess, so wimped out and called in to work. Now it’s starting to dry out some. I’m not going in to work, though. :smiley: BTW, I don’t drive, take public trans. to and from work, and it’s about 1/3 mile walk to the nearest bus stop - yeah, that’s not a long distance but it is, kinda, if you’re walking with a cane, and trying to get around big puddles (and avoid being splashed by zealous drivers … :P)

I can’t post from work any more - it’s one of the blocked sites now! I’ll only be able to post in MMP after it’s MA (Monday Afternoon?). LOL

Everybody’s got a nickname here, and some have several. I myself am proud to have at least two - Mika, and more recently, Meeks.
Sorry about the job, Ex.

Finally, someone likes one of my suggestions. Kinda like a stopped clock being right twice a day…

Actually, I like Spicy, too.

Matter of fact, I think I want a spicy chicken sammich for lunch. From McD’s.


Why did you have to say that? I was perfectly fine with the idea of not really eating lunch, but now I need McNuggets, and it’s all. Your. Fault.

That’s really expensive. But not as expensive as upgrading to a new model.

I know exactly how you feel about hand-holding and what-not. My office-mates and yours must get together and go bowling sometime. They’ll love each other.

Preach it!

I may be willing and able to install a Pergo floor, remodel a bathroom or two, replace a gas wall furnace, or even replace a desert landscape mess with a normal suburban lawn, but there are a few things that I will happily defer to the pros.

Chimney cleaning’s definitely one of them. They’ve got the gear to get up there safely, plus they know how to seal things off so the house isn’t filled up with soot and ash. Plus, their vacuum cleaner is designed for sucking up ash and won’t clog or burn out.

Stump grinding. Yeah, you can put Had-A-Stump on it and wait three years for it to rot away, or if you’re in the boonies you can try a little dynamite, but in a city, explosives are generally forbidden and we didn’t want to be looking at a rotting stump for several years, so we make the call and an hour later, a guy drives up with a machine the size of a small car and grinds a two-foot diameter stump into next Tuesday in about 20 minutes.

Why yes, I could have rented a stump grinder, but it would take me 20 minutes to drive to the rental shop, 20 minutes to drive it home, another 20 minutes to drive it back once done, 20 minutes to drive back home, and way more than 20 minutes to grind it as it would be a significantly smaller machine and I wouldn’t be familiar with how to use it, whereas Stump Grinder Guy is sufficiently skilled with his machine that he could use it to sweep a floor without scratching it.

Oh, as for ice cream, we’ve been doing South Beach, so ice cream is a sore subject. OTOH, I’ve lost 15 pounds so far, so it’s a worthwhile sacrifice.

Another option with stumps for you citified folk is renting a backhoe and digging it out. Backhoes are a lot of fun. If I can’t con my new tenant farmer into bringing by a tractor to knock down those derelict sheds for me, I’m gonn rent a backhoe and use that. It’ll take about 2 minutes to knock them down, and the rest of the time will be spent piling all of the rubble into a mound that I can set a road flare to…

I have a 90+ y.o. great uncle who had several stories he told about getting in trouble with dynamite. His stories took the edge off of my grandmother’s funeral last summer. :smiley:

Do it or not do it. It’ll wait around 'til you get to it. Work is patient like that - kind of like that stray cat that waits outside the house, hoping for some food. And when you feed it a couple of times, and you start getting used to it, that’s when it jumps up and rips out our throat. And that’s when you find out that it’s not a stray cat, but a lynx that died on your property 450 years ago when the Nansemond Indians used what is now your back yard as a burial ground, and it has returned from the grave to quench its thirst for fresh human blood. And now place needs exorcised by a tiny little woman with a squeaky voice so that you can go outside and sit on your newly restained deck that has a gazebo your and your GF put together Saturday between bouts of downpour strong enough to dent the grill, which is also sitting on your newly restained deck, right next to that gazebo your GF bought from Garden Ridge that has broken panels, and a note in the box says “Don’t take this back to where you bought it if’n you have broken/missing parts, instead send us an e-mail to this address” which is no longer accepting any emails.

Don’t get me started on removing stumps.

Breyer’s has no sugar added ice cream. I hate them, because that’s where my discretionary spending usually goes…

Welcome back, Exgineer Lazy American Husband!
Quick drive-by plus reposting of my marvellous new Useless Git story, whether you want it or not. Also, I should be going back to dance class tomorrow, so there may be stories.

I like ice cream. I think English trifle gelato and creme brulee are my favourites. Ooh, and ferrero rocher chocolate gelato. And chocolate mint. Hmm, and chocolate ginger…

Oh, I forgot to come back in here late last week to update everyone: **KeithT ** passed his thesis defense and just has to make a few changes before he’s done! Yay! Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers, etc.

OK, back from errands and lunch. My nephew is an up-and-coming Horn Dog! We went to a local diner for burgers and shakes. Robert felt duty-bound to point out to me that all of the waitresses were HOT! In fact, he swiped the pen when I finished signing my credit slip so he could write the following on his napkin: Dear Courtney, You are a HOT waitress, Love, Robert.

Except she showed up while he was still writing and he freaked and crumbled it and tossed it into his fries. That boy cracks me up!

Thanks all for the concern about my foot, but it’s doing much better. Mostly, I’m just tired. I need to head downstairs with a load of laundry. And I need to unload the dishwasher.

My kid called me again - they’ll be leaving Key West around 3, so she won’t be able to call tonight after all. She seems to be having fun. I’m glad.

That’s all for now - off to do laundry.

Mmm, ice cream! I bought a box of Fla-Vor-Ice at Target this weekend, which is better than ice cream for staying cool with no A/C. I pay $800/month for a run-down 1 bedroom duplex with uneven floors, no insulation, no A/C, no washer/dryer, no dishwasher, uncertain furnace and ancient windows that are mostly painted shut. With an excellent location directly across from the House of Evil with the Rotating Drug Dealers/Domestic Violence Add-On Pak.

I’m all alone in the office today. Well, Deliberately Ignorant Co-Worker is here, so, like I said, I’m all alone in the office today. For some reason, it is way too hot in the office this morning. I think they forgot to turn the A/C on at 7 this morning. And our ice maker is still broken. Oh, the humanity!

I decided to knit this weekend and finish up my very first felted bag. It’s currently drying at home, so it should be completly finished when I get home tonight. See pictures of it here .