Bob “Pumpkin Head” Barr is history – see ya, Chumpsey!

Bob Barr, who gained notoriety by testing out the Vince Foster murder conspiracy theory by shooting a pumpkin in the shape of a man’s head, lost to John Linder is the Georgia primary yesterday.

Good ol’ Bob was high on my personal shit list for being THE first to call for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. He pulled out all the stops in the primary race, calling on RW celebrities such as Ken Starr, Charlton Heston, G. “head shot” Liddy, and Ollie North, all to no avail. I take immense personal satisfaction on dancing on the fucker’s political grave.

Obviously, I have no problem carrying a grudge, or ‘hating.’ So let’s make this thread good, clean, fun. Conservatives in the SDMB, I’ll open up a Cynthia McKinney thread tomorrow, just to show I’ve got nothin’ but love for all ten of you, and you can rant about those horrible liberals there. Now, now, don’t cry.

All right, let’s get this show on the road! How should we hate him? I’m sure I’ll miss a few, but let us count the ways![ol]
[li]He led off the impeachment, sponsored the DOMA, and he’s a sleazy, slutty, hypocrite. He was photographed in 1992 licking whipped cream of young girls’ breasts. One of his two ex-wifes accused him of stiffing her for child-support, and commiting adultery. Fuck off![/li][li]He lead that travesty of justice and good taste known as the Vince Foster Investigation.[/li][li]He’s called for a medical-liability limitations bill, limiting pain and suffering to $250,000. He also sued Carville and Flynt for $30 million as suffering to his reputation. Fuck off![/li][li]He spoke to white supremacists – “The CCC’s affection for Lott is understandable, because the senator subscribes to the same dubious brand of Republicanism as its leaders do. Interviewed in 1984 by the Southern Partisan, a leading neo-Confederate organ, Lott explained why he believes that “the spirit of [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis lives in the 1984 Republican platform,” and went on to deplore a national holiday devoted to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr.” – Fuck off![/li][li]Let’s listen to the ball-sac for a minute:[/li]
“Is there legitimate speculation to think, given Marion Barry’s history and the liberal leanings of D.C. voters, that they’ve decided to fight drugs?”

Re: Gay marriage: Barr warned that the “flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the foundations of our society, the family unit.”[/ol]
Ah, well the, you see we had no choice. Bob Barr, for opening the articles of impeachment, for being a moralizing, womanizing, sleazeball; For being a racist, bluenose, corporate crony, hypocrite, and epitomizing all that is wrong with the current crop of conservatives; for using one man’s suicide to further your own loony political career; and especially for dismissing people’s pain, America has a message for you:


[Ace Does the Funky Chicken]

Yeah, he’s a bastard, but at least he’s been speaking out against some of the “president” and AG’s more extreme civil liberties violations. Perhaps not as loudly as he could or should, but considering the timing I have to give him credit for breaking ranks at all. Not enought credit to actually want him in office any longer of course.

And the foundations are loving every minute of it!

I am gratified that the good people of Georgia have decided that Mr. Barr no longer adequately represents their interests. Pity that it has taken so long, but hey, it’s worth it when it does happen.

I think I’ll eat a great big pile of dirt tonight in the state’s honor. :slight_smile:

<< He was photographed in 1992 licking whipped cream of young girls’ breasts.>>

[leer]Please provide a link to this photograph RIGHT NOW![/leer]

I’ll never forgive him for the shit he stirred up about Pagans in the military. Who the FUCK does he think he is, denying our MILITARY PERSONNEL freedom of religion??? Yet he openly associates with a local businessman who is not only a racist of the worst sort, he’s a ceremonial magician. HUH???

I did my Happy Dance[sup]tm[/sup] naked in Linder’s honor last night. Thank freakin’ god they finally voted that throwback little shit out of office.

So Barr lost to John Linder, who’s just as conservative on 99% of the issues and less responsive than Barr to the curtailment of civil liberties. Hooray for Georgia.

If I’m not mistaken it was Dan Burton who shot melons in his backyard to test his Vince Foster conspiracy theories. Not that Barr wouldn’t have tried it had it occurred to him.

Hate to break through your share of self-righteous superiority, but you’re going to have to make some dancing room for conservatives who also hate, hate, hate, Bob Barr. The man is a homophobic, race-baiting troll catering to the lowest common denominator who helped turn a presidential misdemeanor into a national crisis.

Good luck finding anybody here who would defend that hate-spewing goober.

And bad cess to McKinney, too.

It was Burton, another assmonkey even Republicans are embarrassed to claim.

First Trafficant, now Barr. Things are looking up!


Traficant is a Democrat.

But…but…but…he was gooder!!!

Traficant is a Democrat.

Ah, I’m an ass. I apologize to the Burton haters for confusing my RW nuts.

Barr was the one who misfired his antique gun. Fortunately, the “Pagans in the military” will make a nice substitute. Off to research!

Oh, and Traficant was a D.I.N.O., as well as a nutbar. No great loss.

Yep, and a royal ass. I wanted to be equal opportunity in my gloating over just desserts (damn moderate tendancies :rolleyes: ).

Oh, and they beamed his ass up all right-- right into prison!

But not to Hijack this too much, but:

Georgia seems second only to states with “Carolina” in the name for electing idiots to office. Is this some sort of southern prank on those damn yankees? (“heh heh heh, lets elect Strom again- that will really gum up the works”)

You in Indiana (Burton and Quail) stop laughing, as you have little room to point fingers.

Hey, Massachussets! What does Ed Kennedy have to do not to get elected? Devour a puppy on live TV? Wear a Yankees cap? What? As he has tried everything else. . .

Ok, hijack over.

Sorry you had to read this- but Yeesh.


Bob Barr was the poster child for my theory on Congress: Anyone who would want the job is the last person you would want to HAVE the job.

Feh, that’s ok, it appears GA is finally starting to get their shit together, as the voters also passed on a left-wingnut, Ms. McKinney. I guess it’s a fair tradeoff.

“If McKinney and Barr touch each other would it result in their annihilation and a huge release of energy?” comment. And, if so, can we arrange that? Although, life without these two nuts will be, :sniff:, just a little more boring.

Traficant is a Democrat but he often jumped ship and voted with the Republicans. He was also an embarrassment to the Democratic Party in the House as he was the ONLY member to have no committee assignment.

I was glad to see him go.

Ah, but you’re missing the bigger picture.

Barr stepped out of the 11th District to challenge Linder in the 7th District. Now the 11th District looks like a potential Democratic pick-up.


(I love Republican cannibalism.)

My favorite part of the campaign was when Barr (now on his third wife and counting) questioned Linder’s commitment to family values. :wally

Oh yeah, and over in the 11th District Democratic primary (the district Barr abandoned):

Former Representative Buddy Darden ran attack ads against opponent Roger Kahn, alleging that Roger Kahn might consider legalizing some drugs (!!!). The ad came complete with footage of Kahn actually telling a college audience that it might not be a bad thing to look at legalizing some drugs (read: pot). Darden, the ad promised, would keep ALL “narcotics” illegal.

Huge mistake. This ad apparently motivated hordes of potheads to peel themselves off their couches and vote. Kahn won pretty easily.

So not only is Barr gone from the 11th District, but he may be replaced by someone who has considerable freedom of thought (and a mysterious case of “the munchies”).

Somebody open a Cynthia McKinney thread. I’ve got to do a happy dance on her political grave, too. (Her father, state legislator Billy McKinney appeared on TV today, blaming her loss on “The Jews. I’ll spell it out for you: J-E-W-S.”


At last Georgia begins to live up to its state motto: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation.