98.6 is not normal body temperature due to more precise measurements being made. In fact, the added precision of the .6 is not justified as temperature normally varies across individuals, time of day, activity level, and how/where the measurement was taken. The .6 is not a significant digit.
Rather it’s a result of converting 37 degrees Celcius to Farenheit using F=(9/5 * C) + 32
Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich measured one million people, and found body temperature to average approx 37 degrees Celcius. 37 degrees Celcius was used as a standard, and 98.6 is simply a result of the fraction in the conversion.
Not sure what you mean by relating it back to the original question. True, this doesn’t have much to do with 0 and 100 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. But the statement that normal body temperature was adjusted from 98 to 98.6 with the advent of more precise measurements is wrong.
If we follow that logic, then using today’s highly precise measuring instruments, we could say that normal body temperature is 98.67234232341 which would be completely meaningless given the range of normal temperatures.
The change from 98 to 98.6 had nothing to do with the precision of measuring instruments, and everything to do with converting a nice round number (37) to a different scale.
The greater precision came not from moving from 98 to 98.6 per se (the .6 representing a more precise measurement). The greater precision came from moving from an estimate of 98° F to a better estimate of 37° C. It just happens that 37° C converts to 98.6° F.
Not for me, my normal body temp is 94 +/- 1 degree …
When I hit 100, my doc gets very worried…and I am usually starting to hallucinate. I am under strict orders from him to be at his office when I hit 98. Last time I went in at 99 he scolded me but he accepted my defense that I couldnt drive [full on pseudo gout flare] and had to wait until someone got home to drive me. He told me next time I should think of an ambulance run :eek: