Boner gone missing!

Oh man, that video was very, very hard to watch. I’m wiping tears from my face still. I wish them peace.

A terrible situation all around. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I really don’t think this is a good time to be wishing death on Kirk Cameron (not that there ever is, of course).

Yes, because Kirk might see this and cry or realize creationism is a pack of lies and drown himself in holy water or something.

No, because hoping for someone to kill himself is only funny until someone actually does it.

He also played the Joker in Batman: Dead End, the “fan film” where Batman fights Alien and Predators.

Firstly, nobody in this thread hoped for Kirk to kill himself (read my comment carefully ) and secondly most adults can separate reality from a message board.

I was rolling my eyes at the level of distate going on in this thread, and then you made me laugh. So I hate you.

I’ll grant the distinction about not specifically wishing for Kirk Cameron to kill himself. Nevertheless, the idea of taking pleasure in somebody’s death – even jokingly – isn’t something that I think one should do in the wake of somebody’s suicide.

In response to the video from Walter Koenig and his wife, somebody said, “Oh man, that video was very, very hard to watch. I’m wiping tears from my face still. I wish them peace.” Would we say the same thing if that video had come from Kirk Cameron’s parents? Or would it be more amusing that way, “message board vs reality” notwithstanding?

Sorry to be morbid, but how many friends does it take to make “several friends who took their own lives?” And what do you mean “very much by surprise?” I assume the answer to the latter question is that people didn’t expect it when it happened? I would think if you ever expected you’d do something to try to prevent it.

I know it sounds like I’m picking your post apart, so I apologize in advance for that, but your post immediately left me with three questions:

  1. Sorry to be morbid, but how many friends does it take to make “several friends who took their own lives?”

  2. What do you mean “very much by surprise?” I assume the answer to this question is that friends didn’t expect it when it happened? I would think if you ever expected you’d do something to try to prevent it.

  3. Why do you doubt the 25 number? Do you think it’s too high or too low? 25 episodes is quite a few, isn’t it? Each season is what, 22 episodes? He wasn’t added until late in the series. That’s a couple of years worth of episodes if you’re in one every couple of episodes. Not bad for a minor character.

Walter Koenig looks 30 years older than he did when I saw him interviewed on a show last year. Poor guy.

And more for the pit thread than for here but I don’t want to start a pit thread:

What a total fucking ‘needs to be forcibly retired’ and by ‘forcibly retired’ I mean ‘take a swim with Orca’ older-than-Abe-Vigoda’s-grandma’s-last-douche Larry King is.

Walter and Judy Koenig’s son is missing- probably suicidal. For men who didn’t decide to wait until Alzheimers kicked in to have sons this can be, I am just guessing, an emotional thing. He had them on the show the other night but leads with the serial killer whale story- okay, fair enough, big news, ‘bleeds it leads’ and all that, but he keeps on and keeps on pushing the Koenigs- who are at a studio in Canada waiting to tell their story and ask for help in spotting their son- back until after the whale story. And then the whale story goes on and on until finally all the Koenigs have time for is the final blip- that 4 minute thing before he hands off to Anderson Cooper and whatever tragedy has him wearing a T-shirt and jeans this episode.

The Koenigs walk out. Who knows if it was him or her, but they got frustrated and just said- my words not their’s [at least not on the record]- 'fuck this, our son is missing, there’s a high probability he’s dead, we’re not going on here to promote a new STAR TREK novel we’re going to try and reach anybody who doesn’t know and just maybe reach our son himself if he is still alive and watching- and now we’re bumped to the ‘tomorrow night it’s Dakota Fanning and Dr. Phil’s new cookbook, take it Chekhov! You’ve got 2 minutes!" spot… fuck this shit’ and they left the studio.

Larry comes back on the air very obviously pissed and says

Then his assisted living aid twitters for him “Still not sure what happened with the Koenigs. I talked to them in the break and told them they were on next. Then they left”. No apology for bumping them, no expression of sympathy, nothing that in any way is indicative the old carbuncle MIGHT have a notion that "gee, their son is missing and suicidal and might be out there dead someplace and they’re grasping at straws because they’re at the ‘piss on a spark plug if it’d do any good’ stage of desperation, they MIGHT have just been feeling some stress and MIGHT have just not been in the mood to compete with a killer-fucking-whale story in the first place (which again, I understand why Larry has to talk about that- it’s the big story and he remembers when whales had legs so it’s all news to him they’d do this) and they just don’t feel like putting up with this bullshit and they probably already know on some level their son is dead anyway and they walked out.

Of course if he had interviewed them he’d probably have led with “Speaking of child actors how’d you like the kid who played you in the new STAR TREK? If your son’s dead then you think maybe you can raise him? And when are you going to write another play? I got to see Norman Fell and Joyce Dewitt in a production of UNCLE VANYA one time and the pork chops were great! You should be proud!”

Why is this fucking coprolite still on the air?

Apparently the authorities believe he may have had a stroke.

No word on whether the city plans to erect a monument in his honor.

A parent or parents losing their child to suicide is one of the few things that I just can’t think of any way to put any type of humorous spin on it when it involves actual people and not over-the-top black comedy characters.

There is some Asian language (Chinese? really can’t remember) in which the pictograph for ‘despair’ is a very stylized [straight lines] drawing of a mother standing over a dead child. I think it’s still true. Mrs. Koenig would probably agree.

I would feel the same way if it was Kirk Cameron. If, God forbid, one of Kirk Cameron’s children were to die from natural or unnatural causes then anybody who mocked it would be a complete bag of shit.

Now if Kirk Cameron gets caught in a men’s room with Slavic twin wrestlers of ambiguous gender and a thigh master then that’s different- stand back cause I’m gonna let her rip- but parent losing a child- not funny. (I remember having a momentary twinge of sympathy for Saddam Hussein’s wife when her sons were killed- it passed, but it was there.)

You know what’s funny? I’m the one who said that. It was hard to watch. Heart wrenching. But I can separate the joke from real life. As can most.

He should have gotten the Old Yeller treatment back in the '90s, when his dementia progressed to the point where he’d ask a stabbing-and-rape-victim-turned-women’s-activist the sensitive, insightful question, “What was going through your mind while he was making love to you?”

Hell, probably long before that. The first I ever heard of the guy was in National Lampoon’s regular charactizations of him as a senile buffoon in the late 1970s and early '80s.

When I watched the Koenigs’ press conference this morning, it broke my heart.


I know you were. I deliberately avoided calling attention to that fact, even though I could have done so.

And yet you described this joke as “Mean sure but honest” (sic).

I’m with Sampiro on this one. Some things aren’t worth joking about.

25 eppys sounds right to me. I loved Growing Pains and I remember Boner being around a lot.

I’m sad about Andrew, and I feel for his parents. He was handsome like his dad, whom I had a crush on for many years.