Boner gone missing!

Andrew Koenig, the actor who played Richard Milhous “Boner” Stabone on “Growing Pains,” has been reported missing.

Our prayers are with you, Boneman.

Why did I think this was about a new Mariah Carey video?

Maybe Tracey Gold ate him, no she wouldn’t do that. :slight_smile:

More likely Kurt Cameron has him locked in a basement somewhere until he admits that bananas are proof of God.

Awww man, You know this isn’t gonna end well…

That’s what my girlfriend said last night. Fucking antidepressants:mad:

Maybe someone is playing a prank.

You know, ‘Hide the Boner’.

That’s what she said! :smiley:

I love the TMZ article the OP listed, I mean they could’ve at least put a picture of him as he looks NOW. If someone is gonna recognize him it’s not gonna be from a photo shot 20 years ago.

If you look at this article from People
he looks pretty much like a guy you’d see on the street and not think twice about

Sounds like the beginning of a haiku.

Let’s see…

Boner gone missing

She doesn’t shave her armpits

Wanna play Yahtzee?

Boner gone missing

He took the wrong train, a kind

Inuit rescues

Sounds like what happened the other night when my husband and I got a case of the giggle fits in the midst of intercourse when he boner punched me.

Markxxx said:

You misunderstand. TMZ is not interested in trying to help find Andrew Koenig. They are trying to announce show business news. They are showing you the most recognizable image of the actor so you will know who they are talking about. Yeah, I know, they could put up 2 pictures, but why bother? It’s not like they care.

Is his father Chekov from Star Trek?


His name (hrmmm, hrmmm, snicker) is Boner!

If I saw the title of this thread on the subject line of an email? I’d delete it as spam.

Jeez… This guy has been missing for over a week and was apparently depressed and despondant when people last saw him. Sounds like he possibly could have taken his own life.

Maybe my viewpoint is colored by reading the twitter postings of various comedian friends of his (Scott Aukerman, Doug Benson, Steve Agee, etc) that are all sincerely worried for their missing friend - but are boner jokes really that funny?

It’s always pathetic when writers START with a nickname they WANT to give a character, then make up a completely implausible “real” name to justify it.

Writer A: Let’s call Mike’s pal “Boner.”

Writer B: Huh? How’re we gonna get a name like that?

Writer A: I dunno… wait! I got it! He’s Italian and his last name is something like “Stabone”?

Write B: Is “Stabone” a real name in Italy?

Writer A: Who gives a rat’s derriere? Oh, speaking of “Stabone,” next we have to finish this script for that new cop movie with Sly Stallone. I know, let’s call him “Cobra”!

Writer B: How do we give him a name like Cobra?

Writer A: I know- he’s Italian and his last name is Cobretti!

Writer B: Is “Cobretti” a real name in Italy?

Writer A: Who cares?

I actually worked with him once doing comedy. I didn’t recognize him and I was really confused as to why everyone else in the show kept making references to Growing Pains.

I was shocked at how short he was. He’s like 5’5’’.

The last time I saw him I think was at Comic-Con last year. He had insanely long hair.