"Boobs on the ground"? Seriously?!! (snarl...)

You’re easily offended. This is the lamest, most out of date humor possible. Only thing missing is one of the women snarking how men pilots take forever because they refuse to ask for directions.

Why give Fox that power? Like getting worked up over your crazy uncle or the town drunk. Point and laugh or roll your eyes.

What the hell? Never in my life have I heard one woman refer to other women as “boobs,” so that’s not much of a comparison. The problem here is that it’s disrespectful to these women. That’s all there is to it. It’s also unfunny and hacky, makes no sense, and is consistent with Fox News’ worldview - and yes, it might be intended to annoy because they do that a lot. But it’s disrespectful to call a group of women “boobs.” Nobody older than 4 should need this explained to them.

Most people also do that.

I was referring to the act of Fox saying offensive things to women, a group that they have systematically attacked for a while. That sort of belittling is more than the semantics of one “joke”

I agree with that part. But even if you ignore the background and Fox News’ agenda, this would still be a stupid thing to say about any group of women.

Just to be clear, it was one of the guys who said it. The gals were rolling their eyes.

No, I’m not. It’s the way it was said and the context, the “awww, isn’t that cute” schtick. Yes it’s utterly lame, juvenile humor, in a story that is not at all humorous. And I’d be equally pissed at a “asking directions” comment in a similar story. It’s inappropriate and offensive.

In my post before, I had not actually watched the video, and I was reacting only to the report that the phrase “boobs on the ground” had been uttered on TV.

Given that this was a story about a single woman fighter pilot, I thought it was really a stretch to interpret the comment as referring to a group of women as “boobs”. It seemed simply an innocuous play on the expression “boots on the ground” which has been all over the media for the past few weeks, with no meaning beyond that, and not worth getting offended over, though as I said, a bit juvenile.

However, having now actually watched the video, it is obvious those guys are total assholes and deserve all the scorn being heaped on them. The female reporter did a nice job with the story and was obviously excited about it, and the guys responded dismissively with these lame jokes, maybe because they found the idea of a woman fighter pilot who could probably kick their spoiled fat asses intimidating. I still think the joke itself is not offensive (although the parking comment is), but the context and purpose in which it was delivered definitely was. My apologies for not watching the video before responding.

I was commenting on the weird comparison to ‘nigga’ in YogSosoth’s post, not the actual video.

I find it insulting and obnoxious, because it is so inaccurate. The whole point of “boots on the ground” is that it is soldiers on the ground doing soldierly things, specifically in that it is not just air power, and she is a fucking pilot. "Boobs on the ground’ only makes sense if there are female infantry walking around, so save it till then.

I think this show is supposed to be a chat fest with 5 people and this particular segment is the final one of the show. The male humor was Jr High level, at best, but I can imagine a bunch of my friends talking like that. I don’t know if these guys were trying to be funny or trying to be lame-funny or some combo of the two. If you’re offended by stuff like this, I suggest you refrain from watching SNL or Real Time with Bill Maher. Plenty of adolescent humor on those shows. Not that the Fox show is as clever or funny as those other shows, but if you’re offended by adolescent humor all I can say is… lighten up Francis/es.

It’s still insulting in that case. But yes, in this case it also makes no sense as a riff on “boots on the ground.” However it’s sort of interesting that Fox News’ disrespect for women got the best of its’ pretend-respect for soldiers. I thought they would try harder to maintain that illusion.

I guess you finally found the weak link in their devious plan!!

(Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)

Being an asshole isn’t a plan, man, it’s a way of life. You probably wouldn’t understand. You’re stuck in your square, trying-to-be-a-decent-human-being lifestyle. Anyway you have to admit the Fox News rules must be pretty interesting: saluting soldiers while holding a coffee is bad, but calling the same soldiers “boobs” is fine?

Conservatives are just shitty people, it’s their defining trait.

Paging SA! Paging SA!

I see you’ve been here since 2002 and you’ve never encountered Drunky? Erm, well, he’s having you on. Just so you know. :smiley:

Happy to hate on FOX any day of the week, but watching the video this made me laugh hard.

I thought the opening sentence was the worst. “You just got bombed by a woman/”

Uh, I think “you got beat by a giiiiiirl” stopped being funny and started being offensive sometimes around second grade.

Flaps up!

Amelia Earhart’s ghost should’ve materialized and pimp slapped them on the spot.

Maybe they did it earlier, but I’d think the obvious angle would be how troglodytes are being bombed by the very people they want to repress. Then again, I see the counter-argument. Haven’t you ever wanted to set up your own theocratic state just to be with the guys only to have the ball and chain nag you about it? Sheesh, women ruin everything.

This was especially shallow on the part of Fox considering Maj Al Mansouri, the first female pilot in the United Arab Emirates, is the one the comment referred to. It would be bad enough if it was an American pilot, but insulting a woman from the UAE on an American news network, is way overboard.