I didn’t see the show, but in Montgomery AL where my mother lives the local NBC affiliate, WSFA, set up a line to take viewers comments on the show. They intentionally delayed taking calls until 9 pm, because they didn’t want comments from people who hadn’t seen any of it. Unfortunately Christian activists blocked the phone lines. Ah… the power of Christ compelled them.
Well it looks as if NBC has KILLED Daniel. Too bad too. I really liked this one, although I guess I’m in the minority.
Well, whatever happened the “Christians” are congradulating themselve on it…
(Sorry I don’t have a link, I’m cutting and pasting from another site that didn’t have a link.)
"NBC’s anti-Christian program The Book of Daniel has been cancelled! Your efforts, combined with those of hundreds of thousands of other AFA Online supporters, had an impact.
NBC’s decision to pull The Book of Daniel shows the power of the pocketbook. NBC didn’t want to eat their economic losses. Had NBC not had to eat millions of dollars each time it aired, NBC would have kept The Book of Daniel on the air. Because of your efforts, the sponsors dropped the program. NBC then decided it didn’t want to continue the fight.
Even an impassioned plea by Daniel’s producer Jack Kenny could not match your participation. “Ordinarily, I would never ask anyone to do this, but the AFA and bullies like them are hard at work to try and prevent you from seeing these beautiful shows, and that is censorship—pure and simple. And that is both un-Christian and un-American,” Kenny wrote. His attitude is typical in today’s society. Non-Christians telling Christians what is Christian.
People like Kenny don’t want people like you to have a voice. They want to deny you the right to get involved. You are supposed to sit back and take the trash. And when you do speak up they call you names.
This shows us that we don’t have to simply sit back and take the trash, but we can get involved and fight back with our pocketbooks. I want to thank the 678,394 individuals who sent emails to NBC and the thousands who called and emailed their local affiliates.
Thanks for caring enough to get involved!
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association"
I don’t care that it’s cancelled, but I don’t like the AFA taking credit for it.
I thought the first two hours were pretty good, but halfway through the 4th hour (the 3rd week), I gave up. Daniel’s wife was going to be working with an old boyfriend, without even telling Daniel, and they’re supposed to be so close.
The adopted son was sneaking around with his girlfriend, the teenage daughter was wearing a silly costume and working at a mall (never saw that before), and one of the mob guys was confessing to Daniel that he was gay and asking “Does God hate me?”
I have a feeling that people like me are more responsible. I tuned in for the first episode but didn’t watch more than twenty minutes of it because the acting was poor and the writing was trite and cliched.
Someone told me that I’d missed a great show, so I gave it another chance the next week. Again, it didn’t hold my attention.
It certainly didn’t offend me. Hell, Father Ted is one of my favourite shows. I even have plenty of tolerance for actual blasphemy if it’s witty. I don’t recall ever being put off by progressive social themes.
One thing I can’t stand, however, is third-rate television.
Dobson can pat himself on the back until he’s as sore as a flagellant. He’s as delusional as the ant at the elephant under the coconut tree.