Rosemary’s Baby is told from Rosemary’s point of view. I’d love to get the story from as her husband Guy would tell it. How was he convinced to sell his wife’s body to a buch of devil worshippers and keep her in the dark? Was he so set on becoming a star that he would scarifice anything and anyone to do it?
I’d also like to read The Stepford Wives from Joanna’s husband’s Walter’s point of view. How was he convinced to replace his wife with an android, and what was going on behind the scenes?
I’d like The Painted Veil from the husband’s perspective - what he’s thinking is pretty clear until they get up the river, and then what? Does he want her back? Does he still love her? What did he mean when he said that at the end? He’s such an interesting character to me and you don’t know a thing about him because she doesn’t and she doesn’t even realize it until the end.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle would be interesting from the other sister’s point of view, knowing what she knows throughout.
Re: the OP, might want to put “spoilers” in the title or box them. I guess everybody knows the essential plot of Rosemary’s Baby and The Stepford Wives, but you never know.
Maybe the Great Gatsby from a more objective person. Nick seems to really romanticize Gatsby. The only problem would be that it seems like everyone has their own agenda. Everyone’s going to project something upon him. It doesn’t seem like there is necessarily one objective truth.
Hey, FCOD, some people say things and they sound so convincing that folks accept it. I remember some politician a few years ago going on and on about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and how we had to invade the country to take them out. Lots of people believed that. I wonder what happened?
Seriously, though, Clockwork And Candy was not aware of an alternative version of Jane Eyre so it was possible that you might not have been aware of your alternative version. It’s hard to hear the sarcasm without a smirk.