Bookstore/Massage Parlor

This week I am in training for the University financial system. It’s a boring subject and a confusing program. (May PeopleSoft burn in Hell!)

Since we are a state funded organization, there are many limitations on the procurement credit cards we use. Booze, travel costs such as airline tickets, and paying for the services of an independent contractor are prohibited (so much for buying tickets to Vegas, getting drunk, and hiring a hooker. :wink: ) If a card is used in an inappropriate store, it will not work. The finance office rep said that every business has a code that the card picks up. “Liquor stores have a code. 7-11 stores cause trouble because some of the stores sell gas (which is a forbidden travel expense). Massage parlors use the same code as book stores.”

That perked me up. There must be a story behind that! :smiley:

I’m an avid reader and love massages (the spa kind, not the “relief” kind). A place where I can get rubbed down and find a good book sounds great!

The town I lived in had one for a long time. There was also a coffee shop and a pub in the basement.

The coffee shop, pub and massage therapist still reside in the same house but the bookstore has since moved up the street to a bigger building.

My mom’s haridresser is offering a service like that… get your hair done, and while you’re waiting for curls or colour to set or whatever, you can get a massage - a dollar a minute! Kind of cool! They owe me a new dye job (chemically speaking, the last one just didn’t work, but he’s changing brands) so maybe I’ll get a massage next time I go!