Boosters will depend on whether you're over... well, what? 16 or 60? Can't hear which it is!

On television news program they keep using an age as a milestone with different booster shot approaches, but I’ll be damned if I can tell whether they are saying “16” or “60”. Which one is an important milestone in today’s booster shot debates?

Time to turn on your captioning. :wink:

They’re saying sixty.

Well, crap, Ms. Napier controls the captioning, and she doesn’t like it during the news.

" They are worried about younger adults and teens

“We’re being asked to approve this as a three-dose vaccine for people 16 years of age and older, without any clear evidence the third dose for a younger person, when compared to an elderly person, is of value,” Offit said.

“If it’s not of value, then the risks may outweigh the benefits. And we know the 16-29-year-old is at higher risk of myocarditis,” he added."