Born On Or About November 14th?

Just tell her the typo came from not looking at the keyboard and screen from a straight line viewpoint.

[sub]BTW, I love your screen name[/sub]

HA! I never thought of that! My Brother was October 31st! Early by two weeks! :smiley: HA!

I too was born on November 14th, and I long, long ago realized what day was nine months previous. I don’t see what’s so oogy about it, though. I expect Mom and Dad are still celebrating Valentine’s Day the same way, 34 years later. Go Mom and Dad!

I was born on November 14, also, and I did consider when 9 months earlier was. My parents got married on Feb. 12 also.

However, I was way late, so I don’t think there was a connection.

Homebrew… the typo probably came from the fact that our daughter was beating him about the shins with her books… what made me laugh was his correction needed correction…

Besides programmers can’t type in English anyway :wink:

My dad once told me that he remembered the exact circumstances of both my and my brother’s conception. (I was conceived in Halifax, if anyone’s interested.)

I had to wonder, “After two and a half years of marriage, it was already that infrequent??!” :eek:

March 14. Which means my parents were amorous one fine June day.

Hey. It gets hot in Southern Illinois. And boring.

(In fact, my two brothers and I were born in the three-month stretch of Mar-Apr-May. Summertime lovin’. :D)

Umm Guys,

9 months is a rounded off number. Human gestation averages about 38 weeks. So if my calculations are correct Nov. 6 or 7 should a more typical “ewwwwwwwww, ick” date.

Conceived on a sultry SE Pennsylvania night in late August, I was described by my Dad as “surprise!”


Serves me right for clicking on a thread that mentions my birthday.

Way to give me the jibblies, man.

infrequent…is that ONE or TWO words?


Not too long ago I asked my mom because I was born 11/14 but she said no, I was late. But if Blackjac (welcome to the Boards, you misspelled your own user name!:)) is correct . . . :dubious: hmmmmm

Do people actually determine what the conception date of their children was?

It doesn’t gross me out at all to consider when I was conceived, I think it’s kinda neat. Especially since I was the last of 6 and they had already been married 10 years.

I think the “normal” range is something like 36 to 40 weeks so it seems that conception on Februrary 14th could still lead to a birth around November 14th, right? :slight_smile:

Eh, it’s one word. Look it up.


November 30th for me… I guess ash Wednesday gets my parents in the mood…

November 11th, here. Seven months, one day after the wedding.

Thank you very much! Good to be here with smart, relatively calm people instead of the usual flamers and lamers I encounter on other internet forums. :slight_smile:

Misspelled my hometown too. There is no Lower Miflord in PA but it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out where I’m really from. I like Miflord since it sounds like something someone might call a D&D character. BTW, the Blackjack user name was already taken.

To those questioning my original post, a chart I saw when my wife was pregnant listed the most likely weeks for birth as 38 then 37 weeks after conception. 36 to 40 weeks is considered normal.
