So I got the first season of Boston Legal. I got it solely because James Spader and William Shatner are in it. I’ve seen 4 episodes up until this point. Spader and Shatner are a great comedic duo and Spader is great as always, playing the deadpan, manipulative yet charming little sleazeball as always. But there are some things about the show that annoy me:
The fucking music. The soundtrack to this show is like the soundtrack to a porn movie made in 1987. A bunch of cheesy “funk” riffs with some orgasm-like "oooh"s and "aaaahh"s and "yeaaaah"s thrown in every now and then. It makes me feel like I’m watching a cheesy sitcom, even though it’s ostensibly a more “mature” type of comedy.
The “everyone is fucking everyone else” theme. I mean, is this how a law office actually is? The show lays it on a little too thick.
Besides that, though, I’m liking it so far. Anyone else a fan? Thoughts? Complaints? Does it get better or worse as it goes on, in your opinion?