Botox is a ripoff.

I’ve never had it myself (I’m only twenty-four) but in my opinion, forehead lines do not make you look old (I have them, for gosh sakes) and people with sagging middle-aged faces do not look any younger for the lack of said lines.

moving thread from IMHO to MPSIMS.

Um…okay. I think you’re wrong. Botox freaks the shit out of me, but it’s because it creates stiff faced zombies who are, indeed, younger looking as long as they don’t try to emote. A ripoff? Maybe 'cause it doesn’t make you look prettier. But it does make you look younger.

Botox is made from botulism toxin.
Botulism Toxin kills folks DEA*D.
You are injecting this into you for a frivolous reason.
This seems like a poor plan.


I’m with the OP…I feel like tight-as-a-drum skin screams “hey, I’m not young anymore,” whereas people with naturally saggy, wrinkly, yet fully expressive faces somehow manage to appear less close-to-death than their botoxed and facelifted counterparts.

The funny thing is, I don’t really notice wrinkles on people, but cosmetic procedures seem really obvious and detracting. IMHO.

I think you’re thinking of the people who go too far with it. They think if a little is good, a lot is better. Sooo not true with Botox.

It oogs me out, and I can’t see myself ever doing it.

As far as aging goes, it seems to be mostly genetic. Not smoking/drinking, getting sleep, and caring for your skin can help. Wrinkles age you far less IMHO than skin discolorations.

Still, I know people who’ve had a tiny bit of Botox and they DO look younger and you’d have no idea they’ve done it. You just notice that they look good. When you notice it is when they’ve frozen their faces.

Hmm. Maybe I am just noticing the people who overdid it.


Darwin darwing darwing darwin darwindarwindarwindarwindarwin DARKWING DUCK!

This thread prompted me to google some before and after photos.

First I found this. Scroll down to the first set of photos after the “Before and After Photos” subhead. Hmmmm. I hope she didn’t pay a lot for that.

Then I found this , which looked to me like the treatment was not Botox, but the Photoshop blur tool.

Neither of those makes me want to dash out and get Botox treatment.

It’s not the fountain of youth, but it takes some years off.

But, again, I think it looks way worse in motion.

Personally, I’ll never forgive the procedure for all of the stupid, stupid jokes it spawned. (Just wait. Next, they’ll isolate some compound of dog shit and put it to use and we’ll get even stupider jokes out of that. Reality never ceases to conspire against me.)

Haha, the models are purposely making angry/worried faces in all of the before pictures. What a coincidence that botox relieves worry lines AND worry itself. I’m sold. :wink:

It looks to me like they’re trying to make the same angry/worried faces in the after pictures, but they can’t, quite, because they are partially paralyzed.

Isn’t the entire “beauty” industry just a big ripoff? Advertising influences the culture to promote falsified “needs” (for example, looking “younger”), then companies sell you shit that’s designed to meet that need. Wait, that sounds like every industry.

I’ll never get Botox treatments because I’m too cheap (they cost a fortune and only last for what, 3 months?), too unmotivated (that time spent making and going to a Botox appointment could be spent reading or hanging out on the SDMB), and too fearful, since I’m always in a developing country where I usually prefer to keep my interaction with the medical community to the necessary minimum.

Having said that, I do rather hate the little frowny lines between my eyebrows. It isn’t an age thing so much as a looking disagreeable thing. I’d rather look sweet and gentle, so when I open my mouth and utter something evil, I have the added advantage of catching people unaware.

Good lord, the female pictured in that link is not 100% human. She’s part basset hound.

Suck gas, evildoer. Wait! I can just inject some toxic botulism into your face instead!

Funnily enough someone I knew who tried it said exactly the same as the O.P.

Or rather they actually said “Buttocks 's a gritt uff”

I can see it being useful if you’re a contracts negotiator or on the Poker circuit.

I know a woman who’s in her late 30s and while she’s very attractive, she is also concerned with ageing and has resorted to the use of Botox to delay its onset. She makes good money but was getting so many treatments, Botox and other stuff, that she eventually began charging the treatments to her employer and writing it off as legitimate expenses on clients. Eventually over a two year period this amounted to somewhere around $50,000, accounting got suspicious and she got caught. Long story short, she was fired, the unverifiable expenses were charged against her last bonus (effectively wiping out what was to cover her until she could find a new job), her manager was placed in deep doodoo for not overseeing her more closely and the entire sales force, thousands of people, have had to submit to much more stringent expense policies.

No, embezzlement and Botox don’t go hand in hand but there is potentially another side to its use above and beyond simple cosmetic issues.