Botticelli #39
Here goes nothing… and I’ll for decreasing my ignoranse so I expect to hear about a lot of famous people I know nothing about
But todays game is: OB
Botticelli #39
Here goes nothing… and I’ll for decreasing my ignoranse so I expect to hear about a lot of famous people I know nothing about
But todays game is: OB
I’ll for = I’m all for
Right then, I’ll start with the obvious:
Have four Hollywood feature films showcased your (fictional) prowess with a bow and arrow?
Have you played both the Baggins?
Are you a Canadian folk singer?
Were you an important part of the “Whiskey Ring”?
Were you knocked out by Muhammad Ali in the 15th round, after a surprisingly close fight?
Were you America’s last 5 star general?
Were you a foxy detective on “Miami Vice”?
Did you play a recurring detective character on an Eighties cop show?
I’m not Orlando Bloom (right?)
Nope, and not sure who you mean - dq.
I’m afraid my knowledge of Canadian music is very limited, so no.
DQ for you.
I’m not Orville E Babckock, who I unfortunately enough didn’t know about until I googled - so have a DQ.
Two DQ.s for you
This should be the same one - but I don’t know it
A DQ each
Damn, this is off to a bad start for me.
(but at least I learn a few things about quite a lot of people)
The Canadian folk singer is Oscar Brand.
Are you fictional?
Nope, I’m real.
Mine was indeed Orlando Bloom.
So, moving on…have you ever declared a holy war (or two) against the United States?
No, I’m not Osama Bin-Laden