Botticelli - June 2024

Since it’s the penultimate day of May, I’ll start a new thread for June.

I am V!

Link to last month’s thread: Botticelli - May 2024

And to the updated letters used thread: Botticelli - the letters we've used so far - #120 by Slow_Moving_Vehicle

Congrats, SMV!


Were you an early king in Middle-earth?
Did you once play an official on Risa?
Did Picard meet you while taking shore leave on Risa?


  1. Did you paint Girl with a Pearl Earring?
  2. Were you the Father of Op Art?
  3. Is there a museum in downtown Indianapolis devoted exclusively to you and your writings?


  1. Did you escape a Nazi concentration camp and later fly to Portugal with the help of letters of transit?
  2. Did you play the character who was looking for those letters of transit?
  3. Were you the flight engineer on Trans American Flight 209?


  1. I am not…Valarian V. Violet.
  2. Take a DQ.
  3. I am not…Vash? Remember the episode – Riker set Picard up with the Risan “Hey, I’m horny!” statue - but not the character’s name.
  1. I am not Vermeer.
  2. Take a DQ.
  3. I am not Kurt Vonnegut
  1. I am not Victor Laszlo.
  2. I am not … Victor Mature.
  3. I am not Victor von Confusing-Finale.

Correct on #1. #2 was Conrad Veidt, who played Major Strasser. #3 was Victor Basta, occupying the third seat in the cockpit in Airplane!.


  1. Real?
  2. Male?

Correct, Victor Vasarely, correct.

DQ: Last name starts with V?


  1. Real.
  2. Male.
  3. Only known name starts with “V”.

Previous IQs:

Were you an early king in Middle-earth? - Valandil
Did you once play an official on Risa? - Vanessa Williams, in an episode of ST:DS9
Did Picard meet you while taking shore leave on Risa? - Yes, Vash, on ST:TNG




Did you inspire the character of Dracula?
Did you lead the Gauls against the Roman Empire?
Did you and the Ed Harris character in The Abyss have the same name?

  1. I am not Vlad “the Impaler” Dracula, voivode of Wallachia.
  2. I am not Vercingetorix.
  3. Take a DQ.

Yes, Vlad the Impaler and Vecingetorix; Ed Harris’s character’s first name was Virgil (although he went by “Bud”).

One DQ reserved; please see my earlier two.


Were you a giant dragon in a movie?
Were you a Roman emperor with a nine-letter-long name in English?
Did you violently escape from the Larkhill Resettlement Camp?

  1. Take a DQ.
  2. I am not…hmm, “Vespasian” only has eight letters, and “Valentinian” has eleven. Can’t think of another emperor that fits, so take a DQ.
  3. Take a DQ.


  1. Real.
  2. Male.
  3. Only known name starts with “V”.
  4. Not American.
  5. Dead.


  1. Were you a waitress in a diner along with Flo and Alice?
  2. Did you play the owner and cook of the diner in #1?
  3. Did you get shifted off of shortstop in favor of Nomar Garciaparra by the Boston Red Sox?
  1. I am not Vera.
  2. I am not Vic Taybach, and I have no idea how the hell I remembered his name…
  3. I am not…Bobby Valentine?

Correct on #s 1 & 2. #3 was John Valentin.

DQ: Born before 1 C.E.?


  1. Real.
  2. Male.
  3. Only known name starts with “V”.
  4. Not American.
  5. Dead.
  6. Born after 1 C.E.


  1. Were you the first European explorer to actually reach India by sea?
  2. Were you the female Supermarionette character in Fireball XL-5?
  3. Did you compose Rigoletto?


  1. Did you play the youngest IHP student on Head of the Class?
  2. Were you the “Latin Lover” of the silent film era in Hollywood?
  3. Are you a musical theater star who played the father of the protagonist on Alias?