Botticelli - December 2018

And I am G!

November thread:


Were you buried in Troy, N.Y., the hometown of your wife?
Did David Morse play you brilliantly in an HBO miniseries?
Did you take polite exception to a reporter’s question about your “feelings” on a proposed bill?

Take 3 DQs.

Previous IQs:

Were you buried in Troy, N.Y., the hometown of your wife? - Virginia-born Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, a hero of the Civil War
Did David Morse play you brilliantly in an HBO miniseries? - George Washington, in John Adams (here’s a particularly good scene: George Washington, oath of office - YouTube)
Did you take polite exception to a reporter’s question about your “feelings” on a proposed bill? - George C. Marshall, Truman’s Secretary of State, said, “I save my feelings for Mrs. Marshall”

George x3!


Last name start with G?


Were you the best-known person born in New Rumley, Ohio?
Have both Colin Firth and Jared Harris played you, despite looking very little like you?
Were you once described as “a damned old goggle-eyed snapping turtle”?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name starts with G
    EH, you swept me again. Take 3 more DQs.

Previous IQs:

Were you the best-known person born in New Rumley, Ohio? - George Armstrong Custer
Have both Colin Firth and Jared Harris played you, despite looking very little like you? - King George VI, in The King’s Speech and The Crown
Were you once described as “a damned old goggle-eyed snapping turtle”? - George G. Meade, victor at Gettysburg, who was not always the warmest and fuzziest kind of guy

George x3 redux!


Born since 1950?


Did an admirer of a different race than your own ask for a lock of your hair to put in a piece of jewelry?
Was your creator unsure if you had been reincarnated or not?
Were you an unsavory advisor to a fictional king?

  1. Is one of your songs strikingly similar to the Chiffons’ “He’s So Fine”?
  2. Did you play a live-action Fred Flintstone?
  3. Did you write The Phantom of the Opera?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Not American
  5. Dead
  6. Born before 1950

#3. I am not Grima Wormtongue. Take 2 DQs.

Take a DQ for #1.
#2. I am not John Goodman.
#3. I am not Gaston Leroux.

Previous IQs:

Did an admirer of a different race than your own ask for a lock of your hair to put in a piece of jewelry? - Gimli asked this of Galadriel
Was your creator unsure if you had been reincarnated or not? - Tolkien wrote this of the Elf-lord Glorfindel
Were you an unsavory advisor to a fictional king? - Yes, Grima Wormtongue, advisor to Theoden King of Rohan


Born before 1850?


Were you a strange alien prostitute in the writings of Douglas Adams?
Were you an occasional Scotland Yard foil to Sherlock Holmes?
Were you another?

1 was George Harrison, whose song “My Sweet Lord” led to a legal case and who was found to have “subconsciously” plagiarized.


  1. Did you sing “Alice’s Restaurant”?
  2. Were you the first female prime minister of India?
  3. Are you the author of such young adult novels as The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns?
    known for the arts?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Not American
  5. Dead
  6. Born before 1950
  7. European
  8. Born after 1850
  9. Known for the Arts

#1. I am not Eccentrica Gallumbits.
#2. I am not Gaston (?) Lestrade.
#3. Take a DQ.

#1. I am not Arlo Guthrie.
#2. I am not Indira Gandhi.
#3. Take a DQ.

Previous IQs:

Were you a strange alien prostitute in the writings of Douglas Adams? - Yes, Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore from Eroticon 4, IIRC
Were you an occasional Scotland Yard foil to Sherlock Holmes? - Yes, G. Lestrade (Conan Doyle never told us what his full first name was)
Were you another? - Insp. Gregson




Did a biographer concede you’d done nothing much in your adult life other than kill small animals and collect stamps?
Were you a real person who makes a tragic appearance in a work of fiction by Susanna Clarke?
Were you a real person who, played by an actor, makes a semi-comic appearance in one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Not American
  5. Dead
  6. Born before 1950
  7. European
  8. Born after 1850
  9. Known for the Arts
  10. Not British

#1. Take a DQ.
#2. The only G I’m coming up with in Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is Flora Greysteel. If that’s not the person (and probably not), then take a DQ.
#3. I am not King George II.

3 was best-selling author John Green.


  1. Are you the furry orange mascot of the Philadelphia Flyers?
  2. Are you the green-hued clay star of animated shorts by Art Clokey?
  3. Are you a big purple milkshake-loving monster from McDonaldland?
    DQ: known for literature?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Not American
  5. Dead
  6. Born before 1950
  7. European
  8. Born after 1850
  9. Known for the Arts
  10. Not British
  11. Known for Literature

Take a DQ for #1. I’m not Gumby, and I’m not Grimace.