Botticelli - June 2012

IQ1: Did you search for, and find, a certain doctor in Africa?

IQ2: In literature, did you write about the detective Jules Maigret?

IQ3: Were you one of the inventors of the transistor?

The first is Sam, the piano player in Casablanca.
The third is Phil Sheridan, the Union general in the Civil War, who named his favorite horse Rienzi, after the Miss. town in which he once fought.

I’ll rephrase the second:

Were you a late addition to a small group of TV colleagues, and only lasted one season?

I’m not William Tecumseh Sherman.

I’m not Henry Morton Stanley. Take two more DQs for your other questions.

Well, you’ve got me here. Take all three DQs.

IQ1. Did you suggest plutonium would be a good substance to detect yourself?

IQ2. Did you suggest to a world famous scientist that he needed to write to the President?

IQ3. Are you the companion of a time travelling dog?

Shelley Hack, on Charlie’s Angels.


Last name start with “S”?


Did you order a time-out for a rival’s wedding night?
Did your chess-playing end up helping your boss when he was in a tight spot?
Did you become a gal pal of your husband’s brother’s wife?


  1. I am male.
  2. I am not living.
  3. I am not known for achievements in the arts.
  4. I am not a politician.
  5. I was an American citizen at some point in my life.
  6. My last name starts with S.
  7. I am not fictional.

No idea on 1 or 3. For #2, I’m going to guess and say that I’m not Jon Stewart - I think he suggested that Neil deGrasse Tyson write to Obama about the space program. Take 2 or 3 DQs, depending on how that turns out.

There’s nothing like trying to answer these questions to make a guy feel dumb. Take three more DQs!

IQ1: A former member of ‘Lighthouse’, do you now write soundtracks for David Cronenberg, among others?

IQ2: Did you say ‘Speak, Lord, your servant hears.’?

IQ3: Are you the third child of Adam and Eve?

I’m not Samuel or Seth, and I have a feeling I’m going to groan out loud when I hear the answer to #1. Take a DQ.

Saladin, during the Crusades.
Spock, when Kirk was being prosecuted in “Court Martial.”
Sarah, Duchess of York, befriended Princess Di.


Dead before 1900?
Best known for military service?

One DQ reserved.


Was the actor who played you wounded by friendly fire on D-Day?
Was your autobiography’s title a catchphase that you never actually said?
Was your name mispronounced by a less-than-brilliant cop?

IQ1. Number Six - who suggested to Gaius Baltar that his Cylon Detector needed plutonium.

IQ2. - Not Jon Stewart, but Leo Szilard, who suggested to Albert Einstein that he write Pres. Roosevelt about the dangers of Germany acquiring the Atomic Bomb before the US.

IQ3. - Sherman, the companion of Mr. Peabody on several cartoons on The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.

DQ1. Were you born in 1900 AD or later?
DQ2. Were you noted for your accomplishments in any athletic endeavor?
DQ3. Were you a naturalized US citizen as opposed to a natural born citizen?

IQ1. Did you win a major award after changing leagues in 1984?


  1. I am male.
  2. I am not living.
  3. I am not known for achievements in the arts.
  4. I am not a politician.
  5. I was an American citizen at some point in my life.
  6. My last name starts with S.
  7. I am not fictional.
  8. I died after 1900.
  9. I am not known for military service.
  10. I was born before 1900.
  11. I am not noted for athletic accomplishments.
  12. I was a naturalized American citizen.

I’m not Sam Donaldson (#2) or Salman Rushdie (#3?). Take one or two DQs, depending on the correct answer.

I’m not Rick Sutcliffe.

Correct on Stanley. The creator of the detective is Georges Simenon; and the co-inventor of the transistor was William Shockley.

DQ: Are you known for your achievements in science?

DQ: Did you die before 1960?

IQ1: Did they call your character MISTER Tibbs?

IQ2: Was one of your films based on a short story called “The Sentinel”?

IQ3: Are you a theoretical physicist who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease?

Scotty, the Enterprise’s resourceful Chief Engineer, was played by James Doohan, who served in the Canadian Army.
Correct, Sam Donaldson (Hold On, Mr. President!)
Not Salman Rushdie, but the Marquis de Sade, pronounced by Brad Pitt’s character as the “Marquis de Shar-day” in Se7en).


Born in the Northern Hemisphere?


Was your alter ego known as Benny?
Did you love the mother of a hated pupil?
Did you forget your daughter needed new braces?


  1. I am male.
  2. I am not living.
  3. I am not known for achievements in the arts.
  4. I am not a politician.
  5. I was an American citizen at some point in my life.
  6. My last name starts with S.
  7. I am not fictional.
  8. I died after 1900.
  9. I am not known for military service.
  10. I was born before 1900.
  11. I am not noted for athletic accomplishments.
  12. I was a naturalized American citizen.
  13. I am known for achievements in science (or engineering, if you’re inclined to differentiate between the two)
  14. I died after 1960.
  15. I was born in the Northern Hemisphere.
  16. I am Caucasian.

I’m not Sidney Poitier or Stephen Hawking - take a DQ for the filmmaker.

I’m not Severus Snape or Homer Simpson. Benny gets you another DQ.

The filmmaker is Stanley Kubrick. The film was 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was based on the story “The Sentinel,” by Arthur C. Clarke.

DQ: Are you originally from an English-speaking country?


  1. I am male.
  2. I am not living.
  3. I am not known for achievements in the arts.
  4. I am not a politician.
  5. I was an American citizen at some point in my life.
  6. My last name starts with S.
  7. I am not fictional.
  8. I died after 1900.
  9. I am not known for military service.
  10. I was born before 1900.
  11. I am not noted for athletic accomplishments.
  12. I was a naturalized American citizen.
  13. I am known for achievements in science (or engineering, if you’re inclined to differentiate between the two)
  14. I died after 1960.
  15. I was born in the Northern Hemisphere.
  16. I am Caucasian.
  17. I am not originally from an English-speaking country.