Botticelli: Late June, 2012

Way to go, Enginerd!

For those curious:

Robert Todd Lincoln.
Lincoln Steffens.
Mary Todd Lincoln.

Thanks, folks!

These were Annie Liebovitz and Lyle Alzado, respectively.
Unless we’ve covered it since the last update of the “letters we’ve used” thread, we haven’t done P since February, so let’s do that one. The letter is P.

Are you looking for a encore in London this summer?

I’m not Michael Phelps.

IQ1: Were you a famous actor, director, winner of numerous awards before your death in 2004?
IQ2: Did you host a show about critters?
IQ3: Did your downfall occur after you were shown to be a charlatan by James Randi?

IQ1: Prior to entering rehab, did you live one day at a time?

IQ2: Do you hang out with a group of doctors, and one guy who has a Master’s?

IQ3: Hey, Starchild, ever been kissed?

  1. I’m not Sidney Pollack? Or take a DQ.
  2. DQ
  3. I’m not Peter Popoff.

I’m not Penny from the Big Bang Theory - take 2 more DQs.

IQ: Do even you not want to be you?

Correct on Penny. The others were Mackenzie Phillips, who was on “One Day at a Time” back in the 1970s; and Paul Stanley (the “Starchild”) of the band KISS.

DQ: Are you real?
DQ: Are you male?

Take a DQ for this.

Summary for P:

  1. I am real.
  2. I am male.


Although associated with another country entirely, were you actually born on Corfu?
Do you own the world’s largest non-museum collection of Battle of the Alamo papers and artifacts?
Did you cowrite the screenplays for the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy?

IQ1: Did you succeed Rip Engel as a coach?
IQ2: Were you the original singer on “Sea of Love?”
IQ3: Did your name grace one of the historic theaters in Los Angeles?

IQ1: Should you, or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, will the Secretary disavow any knowledge of your actions?

IQ2: Are you the reason police officers in London are known as Bobbies?

IQ3: When all the leaves were brown and the sky was grey, did you, your buddy, and two ladies go for a walk on a winter’s day?

Peter Ustinov and Marlin Perkins

DQ1: Are you known for your contributions to the arts?
DQ2: Last name start with L?

Summary for P:

  1. I am real.
  2. I am male.
  3. I’m not known for contributions to the arts.
  4. My last name doesn’t start with L (but it does start with P). :stuck_out_tongue:

I had to look up Corfu, so you definitely get a DQ for that one. I’m not H. Ross Perot (?) or Peter Jackson - take one or two DQs.

I’m not Joe Paterno, but you get two more DQs here.

Finally, some questions I know that I know! I’m not Peter Graves, Robert Peeler, or John Phillips.

Hey, I’m still learning and fumbling on my Kindle…

IQ1: Did you pass a short five years after your induction to the Hall of Fame?
IQ2: Are you on the short list to be number two?
IQ3: Do you have a beverage named after you (it’s also called a half and half) ?

IQ: Were you a noted WWI general?

  1. Is this Bill Parcells? I remember some questions about eligibility and whether he was really retired, but I’m not sure they qualify as “a short five years.” Take a DQ if I’m wrong.
  2. I’m not Rand Paul or Paul Ryan.
  3. I’m not Arnold Palmer.

I’m not Jack Pershing.

Just to clarify, it’s the character Jim Phelps (who was played by Peter Graves), and Robert Peel–though his police were sometimes known as “Peelers.” Still, I know what you meant, so no DQs for me. Correct, by the way, on Papa John Phillips–no problem there.

IQ: Are you an Obama official who also served in the Clinton Administration?