Boxing wound treatment question

What is the purpose of the flat piece of metal I sometimes see being applied to a boxer’s face (usually when he’s not doing so well) between rounds? It usually looks something like a meat pounder.

Is it hot? Cold? Is there something applied to its surface?

(Technically, this is about what I’ve seen in movies, but I’m hoping it’s based on real-life.)

I know we’ve done this before here. IIRC, it’s cold and used to help cool off the boxer or maybe to bring down swelling.
Of course, that makes me wonder why they couldn’t just use ice.

I think you’re talking about an enswell. It’s typically kept on ice and applied to any swelling on the fighter’s face.

The thermal conductivity of steel is higher than that of ice, so it will cool down the skin faster. The specific heat of ice is much higher, so over time, ice will absorb more heat, so that’s why you use it under normal circumstances (besides convenience), but since there’s only a minute between rounds, cold steel is more effective.

Excellent. Thanks, all!

Asked and answered, mods. Feel free to close it up, especially if we have done it before.

Above is the SDMB’s version of the trainer knowing that damn piece of steel is f-cking cold!

“Yo, Mick, I can’t see.”

“That bum is gonna murder you.”

“Cut me, Mick.”

“Rock, before I cut yer ugly face open, let me reach for the endswell, because the thermal conductivity of steel is higher than that of ice, so it will cool down the skin faster. The specific heat of ice is much higher, so over time, ice will absorb more heat, since there’s only a minute between rounds, Rock, this cold steel is more effective than the ice pack we had on your busted up face. Let’s see if this works first, ya bum!”

Rocky IX: Cite?
