An incomplete list of some of my personal boycott boycotts.
I boycott boycotts by labour unions
…that think they have a right to dictate other people which labour union they must be member of, and which not to be member of. Which pretty much rule out them all except the Christian Labour Union, which, for that reason, I was a member of for a number of years. Not that I’m terrible religious.
Mainly that means boycotts of restaurants and cafes that are picketed and boycotted because the staff is not organized in the correct labour union. I go right in and buy some stuff.
That’s not a big problem in the US I guess, where union membership in some states is punishable by death or worse or something I imagine.
I boycott boycotts from Greenpeace
- Because I’m from emm… “a bunch of barren rocks floating on the ocean” called Faeroe Islands, where pilot whale hunting is an old tradition that is greatly vilified by Greenpeace. The pilot whale is in no danger of extinction. There have been several calls by Greenpeace to boycott Faeroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. Screw them, whenever I find something worth buying from one of these places, I promptly do (which means we eat a lot of sheep in my home).
- And because they refused to distinguish between Canadian baby-seal killings and indigenous Greenlandic seal-hunters (which btw do not hunt baby-seals). This greatly harmed many Greenlandic communities for many years.
- Their campaign against the dumping of the Brent Starr drilling platform. Now it’s rusting and polluting away in a fjord in Norway, and several times more environmentally damaging than the original Shell proposal. Out of sight out of mind, eh Greenpeace.
I boycott boycotts of Israel
…especially when such boycotts are directed by organisations that are clearly less than wholesome.
I’m not Jewish but regularly buy stuff from a Jewish kosher shop here in Copenhagen. There I can get such exotic things as white wine from the Golan Heights and almonds from Gaza. I’m great friends with the owner of the shop – I think he thinks I’m kinda weird emmm… can’t imagine where he picked up that strange notion?
I boycott boycotts of idiotic Muslim fanatics
So when they were tearing up and down the streets screaming damnations from their sick god and his perverted mullahs and clamouring for Rushdies head on a stick – I went right in and bought Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verse. Which otherwise is not a book I would have touched with a ten foot pole. I also have books of Arundhati Roy which they also have been raging at. Go bugger your 72 virgins stupid mullahs!
Other books in my personal boycott boycott library
Mein Kampf : It’s illegal in some otherwise free western countries (Germany, France, …) screw government dictation. The right way to combat idiotic ideologies is by education not repression. I though it was also illegal in Denmark where I live, but it turned out it wasn’t – but if it ever will, I’ll be sure to buy one more.
The Communist Manifest: Don’t think anyone is actively boycotting this one, but I’m proactive.
Lolita, Justine etc.
And if I find other books that are illegal in otherwise free western countries, or boycotted by certain interest groups – it’ll be in on my bookshelf before you can say “snip snap snude”.
I boycott boycotts of anti-PC words
…I’ll be damned if I want some special interest groups to decide how and what I can think.
I boycott boycotts of Microsoft
That is if I ever actually bought any software, and didn’t prefer Apple computers.
I boycott boycotts of France
Leave the frogs alone you stupid Yankees!
I boycott boycotts of you
Recently the US image has taken something of a beating. And there have been a number of calls to boycott American businesses. You Americans will thrilled to learn I’m sure, that if a boycott of American business ever takes off, me and my meagre income will once more jump right into the breach and start buying American bric-a-brac en-mass.