I can’t count the number of times BrainGlutton has posted articles with no thought whatsoever. He posts either a link to the article or, more annoying, 3-4 paragraphs of the article in a quote box; he adds NOTHING of his own, nor even the briefest of TL;DR summaries.
But now, he has not only posted a link to an article, not only used only the headline of the article as a summary, but also double posted the exact same post to two differentthreads.
Oh, he does that all the time. It’s because his posts are very important, and if he doesn’t repeat them in multiple threads, there’s a small but real risk that people won’t read what he has to say. It’s perfectly reasonable.
LOL: Reyemile you hyper-sensitive imbecile, there’s nothing wrong with that. The statement is clear, relevant and if you want details you can click the link.
I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t grammar school: we’re posting to fight ignorance, not express our feelings in our own words. Brainglutton’s posts fight ignorance: your whining does not.
What BG posted was literally the title of the article at Salon. He does this lots and lots and lots. Your last paragraph is :
A) Wrong and
B) A pathetic pile of shit. Is BG giving you some action or something?
If BrainGultton had started a thread with just that one headline, he’d be in the wrong, but as a post in the middle of the enormous Stupid Republicans thread, it is clearly an example of a Stupid Republican.
Crossposting is a no-no, of course, as a general rule.
I’ve seen this sentiment expressed before. It was stupid then and it is stupid now. Is something annoying, offensive, or just plain wrong? Shut up, it’s not like you had to read it. It’s not the fault of the poster who posted the dumb ass remark, it’s the fault of the reader for reading it. “Nobody has to read anything they don’t want to” has got to be one of the most asinine and self serving thoughts I have ever come across.
Some times if you are going for effect it is better to just post a link. I love it when something catches my attention, I click on the link and get a good laugh from the ultimate destination.
Done it a bunch of times, when the threads in question have a common link, and first few times I did, I would add an acknowledgement, as if in anticipation of a rebuke that never arrived. So I figured it was considered more or less kosher. Either that, or its because I am universally loved and admired. Nah. That ain’t it.
Posting a link into an ongoing thread, preferably with a line or two of helpful context, is fine.
Posting a link, with little or no added context or comment, as an OP, is criminal… and never returning to the discussion should make it a capital offense.