For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Skyler seems so relaxed. If she’s still stressed, she’s doing a good job of hiding it. She acts like she has Walt over a barrel. But she did tense up a bit when Walt Jr. asked if dad could babysit. She doesn’t want Walt to have the baby, but I’m not sure even she knows why.
Disappointed that Jesse tried to turn the cashier on – dude does have a dark side, doesn’t he? The actress who played the cashier must be related to somebody – she was awful, something we haven’t seen in this show.
So the cousins are still after Walt, even after they were called off?
I like how Gus figured out how to keep Walt in the game, assuming that’s what he was doing by splitting the money.
That was a great dinner scene. Really happy family there. I think Skylar wasn’t tense because she just doesn’t care anymore. She’s just going with the flow, waiting till Walt dies, banging Ted on the side.
Hi—new here—and just saw Greenlight—and have two questions—
1.I couldn’t understand what Saul said when he was talking to the
client at the start.He put the horse collar on the guy and said you
were in an accident—and then he says something I don’t understand.
Did anyone hear this?
2.What was the one word that the guy said to Walt when he threw
the money into Walt’s car at the end?
Major question—does Walt realize the danger he’s in?
Does he not say “Your half” to Walt also? Perhaps he said “Here!”?
I am pretty sure Walt is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s a major player in the meth scene and the danger such a reputation has brought to him.
Does anybody else notice the physical resemblance between Saul’s double-agent henchman and Walt? The henchman (I’m sure he has a name but I don’t remember it) is beefier and taller but he’s bald with the beginnings of a graying goatee like Walt. I wonder if this is coincidence, red herring, or something that will prove significant.
Is it wrong to like Gus? Last week I thought "you know you’re dealing with a badass when he meets with twin killers and two Mexican crime lords (even though Don Salamanca is a non-verbal invalid he obviously still has some power) and doesn’t even feel the need for bodyguards; it seems to be implicitly understood that “anything happens to me you guys are chicken nuggets”. This week you learn he doesn’t like to intimidate, and from the start he’s made it clear no junkies. He’s like the Sigma Six of the meth business.
What’s up with giving Walt half? I can’t quite figure his angle. I know he’s trying to play on the dissension twixt Walt and Jesse but not sure how this would do it.
Cool hearing Jesse discuss chemicals and chemical reactions like an old pro.
I suspect that it was coincidence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it will prove significant. The script writers will certainly have picked up on it and will likely use to their advantage. From the whole thing with the airplane, we already know that the scriptwriters are fully willing to bend reality to serve their purpose so long it is theoretically possible. Placing a person in as a stand-in to take a blow simply because he happened to look a bit like the intended target is something I would see them being willing to do, and I can certainly see a need for such a thing to appear.
On the other hand, the henchman/PI guy is almost certainly the most sane and reasonable person in the whole show. Personally, I think he brings a handy mediating force to everyone when things start to go sideways, and it would be hard to find a new character to do that. He’s always quite an unexpected person to fill that role, given his position and the fact that he looks like an evil thug. I quite like him. It will be a shame and possibly detrimental to the show to get rid of him.
All I can figure is that giving Walt more cash to launder keeps him in the game, even peripherally. We know that Walt’s so concerned about the quality of his product that he won’t let Jesse cook it on his own, but Gus doesn’t know that. Does he?
Saul’s henchman – his name is Mike, which I didn’t know either until I read Sepinwall – I hadn’t picked up on the resemblance. Isn’t he a lot shorter than Walt? Hard to tell.
I’m disappointed with Skyler. I was okay with her boinking Ted when I thought it was a one-off, to get Walt out of the house, but jeebus, an affair isn’t the way to resolve her situation.
No it isn’t, he’s easily the most badass character on the show. I don’t care of the cousins end up killing everyone with their bare hands, Gus will still be more hardcore than they are.
I think Gus is hoping to irritate Jesse and have him end up saying to himself, “If I’m doing literally all the work and only getting paid 50%, I might as well convince Walt to get back in the game.”
She knows why–because Walt is acting irrational, creepy, and weird.
Would you want to leave your baby daughter with a guy who tries to throw a potted tree through an office window? ESPECIALLY when it’s a reinforced office window! And consider the fact that he just got fired from his teaching job. I don’t know how it is in New Mexico, but in NJ, it is very hard to fire a tenured teacher. Someone has to screw up in a big way.
In addition, her spidey sense is tingling big time. She may not be consciously aware of it, but she’s put together the pieces well enough to know that Walt is into some really bad stuff at the moment.
I’ll the fact that there are three bald white guys involved leads to some sort of mistaken identity situation. It would be interesting to know if having three bald characters was intentional.
And yeah, Mike is indeed likeable and reasonable. It’s such a funny show that way. It makes you like and respect guys like Mike and Gustavo, and makes you dislike a character like Skyler, who you’d expect to be likeable.
And for what it’s worth, I’m 99% okay with her boinking someone else. She’s done with the marriage. She’s told Walt. Walter Jr. knows. She’s initiated divorce proceedings. Walt is/was even out of the house. She’s a free agent. My 1% not-okay is only because she hasn’t formally filed for separation.
Others may have different ideas of when it becomes okay for a person in the process of a divorce to start sleeping with someone else, but the way I see it, Skylar’s in the clear.
Green Bean, Can you even file for a separation? I’ve never heard of that. Walt didn’t get fired from his job, he’s on indefinite sabbatical. My guess it was by mutual agreement with the school. He was already taking a lot of time off work.
The reason that Gus approved the deal with Jessie is to pull Walt back into the picture. Jessie gets pissed off that he did all the work but didn’t get all the money. Jessie thinks that Walt made a deal behind his back. When confronted about it, Walt says he didn’t make a backroom deal, but that’s irrelevant because he says that Jessie doesn’t deserve all the money anyway (regardless of the fact that Jessie cooked the batch by himself) because they are using Walt’s recipe.
He was being a dick because had 29 camper van thingies in the whole state of New Mexico to track down. Presumably the chief would prefer a shorter list and relegated to at least Albuquerque or something more concrete than possibly one of 29 camper things.
Yes, Saul’s private investigator saw it, stopped dead in his tracks and started looking around. He later tells Gus about it.
I think he was going to try and break in the side door.
I don’t think he was being. He’s just doing his job. Both El Paso and he need to know what Hank is doing and to do that, they have to pin him down on it. You can’t just let employees wander around doing random things.
I don’t think he’s a dick. My guess is that he suspects that Hank is avoiding the task force assignment for some unknown reason. He doesn’t know what we know – Hank was really shook up from his last task force assignment when some agents got blown up, and clearly has some psychological problems from that.
That guys sees everything.
It looked like he was thinking of getting back into the building via the side door before he got tossed into the car by Saul’s henchman.
You can run a copier with the lid up. For big items, like accounting ledgers, you have no other choice.
What bugged me about Skyler and the copier was after the copier stopped, she spoke with that woman and then just hit the copier button again, without changing whatever it was she was copying. It looked wrong, but then I’m an office drone. Another slip-up from an earlier episode was Walt holding the file folder, presumably with the divorce papers in it, and it was obvious that the folder was empty. You could see light shining through it.
Guess there aren’t enough drones in the crew to catch that nitpicky kind of stuff.