
The short answer…No. The long answer…Hell no! I don’t know what I would even do with those dangly bits. Don’t they get in the way? ew! :smiley:

So there’s a tits thread and an ass thread.

Hot. :smiley:

Hate to burst your bubble there, but I don’t get the impression girls think about this much. . It just seems so weird, the thought of actually having one… to go from having everything all tucked inside and protected to hanging out there in the wind… weird. I’ve never desired or considered desiring or fantasized about having a penis. Well… I’ve never fantasized sexually about having a penis. But I’ll admit I occasionally dream about how much more respect I’d get if I had a penis.

Don’t take that to mean I don’t like being a girl. I Loooove being a girl. I don’t even mind the sexism so much… it gives me the opportunity to be creative in asserting myself and keeps life interesting. Misogynists amuse me, because I feel so not different in intellect, capacity, and relative toughness that it seems absurd. It’s fun to have all the female bits–obviously objectification of women in this society is a problem, but I mean, we have whole galleries of artwork dedicated to our form. Beautiful, classic artwork… I can’t see that as objectification, I can only see that as “You have been blessed with a figure that is aesthetically pleasing and to be celebrated.” So I celebrate that, I revel in it, that in many ways, we, women, are nature’s artwork.

On the other hand, there are some DAMN beautiful men. It’s high time we started getting some paintings of those to look at.

I wish I had some breasts to fondle (caress) right now. If that isn’t respect for the breast-carrying persuasion, then I’m sorry, I dont what is.

I believe that pics are obligatory when making such a statement


Thirded. :smiley: