Breathe in synch and die (story ID)

I think I read this in Omni back in the '80s.

This guy discovers he can predict who will die (when more than one will) because the victims are breathing in synch with each other. Something along the lines of his noticing that two people are breathing synchronously, and then the are both killed in some sort of accident. He remembers the coincidence and he notices it more and more. At the end Something Bad is about to happen (He’s on a plane? A plane is about to hit his building?) and he notices that he and everyone else are breathing in synch.

Any ideas of what this story was?

Orson Scott Card, Deep Breathing Exercises

PS: you can read it here, starting at page 26: Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card - Orson Scott Card - Google Books I love OSC’s short fiction, pity he’s such a gay-hating twit sometimes.

Amazing. :cool:

Thanks for that. :slight_smile:

No, wait, didn’t Roald Dahl do this first in one of the short story anthologies?


It might have been in Switch Bitch or Skin… I’m looking… maybe Kiss Kiss?

Bump… my Google-fu is so very weak…

Does this ring a bell to anyone else?