Brian Camenker, whoever you are, you're a twit.

So this really cool little school in Massachussetts, Bridgewater State, just created the Frank-Tremblay Safe Colleges Scholarship. Named for Barney Frank and lesbian folksinger Lucie Blue Tremblay, the scholarship helps students who are in financial trouble after having been disowned for being queer.

So some twit, some yoyo, some putz called Brian Camenker, of the “Parents’ Rights Coalition”, piped up and

Oh, boo hoo. What a pity that some kid whose parents kick them out for being a homo won’t necessarily have their lives completely ruined by it anymore. What a dreadful blow to parents’ rights that they no longer can be totally assured of devastating their own children’s future because they turn out queer.

Go fuck yasself. I hope your kid turns out gay. On second thought, I don’t. It would be poetic justice on you, but I wouldn’t wish it on the kid.

What a turd. I don’t get the logic here at all. I mean, it’s wrong on so many levels I don’t know where to begin.

  1. This “kids” are in college and therefore over 18 years old. Parental authority no longer applies.
  2. Money is given to this scholorship via donations. Do people not have the right to donate where ever they want? No taxpayer money pays for this.
  3. Does he honestly think that a gay person will somehow change their mind because their parental support will be cut off and that the scholorship thwarts that?

Fer christ’s sake, mind your own business Camenker you stupid fucking cockswab.


Isn’t the parental authority disowning the kids???

So WTF would they care? IMHO, once you disown them, you pretty much give up the right to act concerned.

Not necessarily. I was 17 when I first got to college. My sister, who goes to Notre Dame, is 17 as well. And some friends of mine have been 16 in college.

A hearty “get with the program, twatsicle” to little Brian Camenker.