Brian needs MoveableType Help

Hi! Recently I found the urge to create a Weblog for myself, and attempted to install Moveable Type in some webspace I have. Unfortunately, no matter where I tried (I attempted both my college space and my ISP space), I got 403 errors when I tried to execute any of the scripts. I doublechecked all my permissions and directory paths, and made sure my webserver had the proper software installed, but it didn’t help! Could some kind SDMB-er help me out here?

The address is if that will assist anyone.

Thank you so much!


All I get is an “index of” FTP page. Which is a BAD thing. You need an index.html or similar page.

Eeek! The link is the wrong one. It should be instead. Anything I try and execute there nails me with a 403 error.

(I’ll put up and index page right now, but it won’t be very pretty.)

I don’t know how far into it you are, so I don’t know what to suggest.

What step of the installation documentation are you on?

I’ve finished uploading everything and editting the CFG file. I simply cannot execute any of the MT scripts.

It doesn’t need to be pretty, as long as it blocks access to your files. Do the same with all other folders.

I looked at the new URL. 403 means the permissions of your CGI scripts aren’t set right, usually. Using your FTP client CHMOD the relevant .cgi files to 755. Also make sure the path to perl is correct. Your host can verify that.

Did you set the permissions of the files?

Setting permissions lets the server know who to allow to load the files. If you are not set to execute, read, write, then you’ll get a 403 (Forbidden).

Just to warn you, MT was a nightmare to install for it. Both times I did it, it took a few hours.

Did you set the permissions of the files?

Setting permissions lets the server know who to allow to load the files. If you are not set to execute, read, write, then you’ll get a 403 (Forbidden).

Just to warn you, MT was a nightmare to install. Both times I did it, it took a few hours.

I did. Everything I’ve set has permissions at 755, just like the installation said. I doubled check it just now, and it was exactly as I was told to do. This is really why I’m so perplexed.

I’m probably not getting anywhere here, but you tried accessing

If it didn’t work, maybe you used the wrong url to access? Perhaps by accident, you didn’t put a “mt” folder in the cgi-bin?

Sorry, I can’t think of anything else. :-\

EDIT: I posted the wrong url

I’m probably not getting anywhere here, but you tried accessing

If it didn’t work, maybe you used the wrong url to access? Perhaps by accident, you didn’t put a “mt” folder in the cgi-bin?

Sorry, I can’t think of anything else. :-\

Check the path to Perl. The beginning of the .cgi file should read:






If neither of these works, let me know and I’ll expand things.

icephoenix: Thank you for your help, and I had forgotten to put such a folder in the CGI directory. Unfortunately, I continue to get the 403 Error when attempting to access any files in the MT directory.

QED: I’m sorry, but how does one find out where the Perl directory is on my server? I don’t have shell access, and their support page doesn’t say.

When you set up the account, they should have specified the path to perl. Try the three I specified; those are the most common. If not, contact the owners of your webserver.

The file at that url is supposed to check if you have Perl in the right place, among other things.

All right. I tried the three you specified and had no luck, I shall contact the technical support in hopes that they shall be able to assist.

Okay, I got the information on the location of Perl on both servers that I use. Unfortunately, it seems that the script was looking in the right place to begin with, and I still get this error. Does anyone have any other ideas of what might be wrong? I’m sorry to be such a bother!

At this point I highly suggest posting at the MT forums. I’ve posted a few problems I’ve had in there and both were solved.