Bricker is a Pile of Shit Sculpted into Human Shape

Happy to be of service! Though I am glad I have more or less abandoned reading new threads on the board, I can only imagine what sort of horseshit Bricker spewed to support well-qualified rapist , er, ‘jurist’ Brett Kavanaugh.

My latest genuflection to the altar of whiteness may possibly be found in ATMB, where I have raised the question of whether this constitutes hate speech. I suppose I could have been true to my heritage and let loose with a few choice hijo de puta y cabrón expositions but since I loves me the white ways I have acted thusly instead.

I cordially invite you to add your thoughts there, if you are minded to do so.


You are still, nonetheless, a shit stain. A big one, based on how much you waft, and then go wafting on about that.

It’s the weekday, I don’t have a lot of time, I have a job. So forgive the shortness.

If I called you an out-and-out racist, I’d be surprised. There’s thots like octupus, Slackerinc, and, of course, Grand Dragon Shodan who traffic in racism (and have said so to their face), but you’re not on that list. I don’t really care about Bricker’s nationality only that he claimed he is a person of color. I trust him at his word; though, clearly, your point is well-taken in that I guessed wrong. But, I do find it curious, that you believe him. If memory serves, when I claimed to be a person of color, your suggestion was that I was a white conservative. But water under the bridge.

In my brief interaction with you, my impression is that you’re probably a white liberal who experiences deep compassion for things that intersect your life, like, for example: your gender, or having a special-needs family member, or knowing a friend diagnosed with cancer or mental illness. And, let me say, this is good thing. But, on the flip side, you believe your shit doesn’t stink and when you are confronted on that, you, like most white liberals, lash out in a fury of white fragility. You walk away, you ignore, you talk behind their back, you seethe, or attack them. You do this because you don’t look at the criticism as a criticism (e.g. Your PowerPoint Presentation is too wordy for a 5 minute presentation or your comments were hurtful to me) but as an insult (i.e. specifically “You’re a bad person”). And it’s fucked up, because what it means is that white folks look any criticism by people of color as inherently insulting.

Well, there’s nothing wrong kneeling. It’s a step-up from your normal position of lying prostrate in front of the altar of whiteness. Though, you’re right, after reading it again, I probably should not have written that. And, if you found it hurtful, I am truly sorry.

I thought it was bullshit how you’re again alchemizing the issue by transforming into another partisan clown war between Republican vs. Democrat, left vs right, Ohio State vs. Penn State. You actually write “as determined by the left”? Really? Do you think that Malcolm X - the person I quoted in my post - is on the “left”? Do I think represent “the left”? Bruh, please. That’s disgusting. You’ve been lying prostrate on that altar of whiteness for so long that all you know to do is repeat the white supremacist talking points. From my reading, it’s clear my post is a MacGuffin for you to highlight how “the left” (because, apparently, I’m “the left”) is attacking you and that you’re a victim of hate from “the left” (because, again, I’m “the left”). I imagine you’d probably go full McConnell and talk about mob, paid protesters, and shit. So, no thanks. I decline to participate.

Man, you read far too much into things that are never written. I’m far from Guinastasia’s biggest fan but I sincerely doubt that she treats any criticism from a minority as inherently offensive. What she said is you are using racist language.

Which you are. But the bigger offense in my opinion is your simplistic and even more racist viewpoint that the color of one’s skin dictates how one should think. Join Kanye and step off the plantation.

lol bullshit :joy:

Pretty much. If you want to criticize other people for being racist, or for “white supremacy”, you have to own up to the fact that you yourself are not innocent either.
As for

Nice try, but no cigar. I simply despise hypocrisy, and you’re soaking in it.

As for accusing you of being a “white conservative”, you seem to be forgetting the “troll” part. You seem to only have come here for one purpose, and one purpose only, which is to spout your own personal viewpoint, and have no desire to listen other people.

Past experience has generally taught us that those who do so are usually just here to stir shit up.

I think it’s funny that I have no idea which is which, they’re so interchangeably bad. (Don’t @ me.)

On topic: Bricker’s a hypocrite, news at 11. <yawn>

It’s also kind of humorous that 19 years later, y’all are still complaining about the same things about the same guy who will clearly never change or be convinced that he’s wrong. I guess it’s a good thing The Pit still exists for this purpose. :+1:t5:Carry on.

I’m not entirely sure how you can say Malcolm X isn’t on “the left”. To be sure, he’s far to the left of the Democratic party, especially of his time. He’s absolutely not a liberal, or the narrow band of allowed discourse under “the left” as used by the majority of the American populace, but rather the radical left. Hell, he gave a speech that contained

I appreciate attempts to separate black radicalism from traditionally white, traditionally cis, traditionally straight, traditionally male political frameworks such as “left and right”, and I think you could make a case that it’s something wholly different. However, I’m not sure you’ve sufficiently motivated what separates these philosophies from modern anti-neoliberal far leftism, which, while it has a lot of in-squabbling, tends to at least attempt to incorporate radical race theory, gender theory etc into it. (And honestly owes a lot to Malcolm as an influential figure).

I’m becoming a fan of Huey Freeman. This guy just takes no fucking prisoners!

Pricks like him, and for that matter you, are rapidly making me more sympathetic towards Bricker and the like…and that takes some fucking doing.

I never said I disliked Bricker, for the record. I disagree with him on almost everything, but I think he’s basically a principled person and he gets a bad rap.

But Huey brings a refreshing bluntness that I can also appreciate. My reaction wasn’t necessarily an endorsement of his trashing of Bricker, but just an appreciation of expressing honest viewpoints that make white people uncomfortable.

Have you been paying attention at all? To the degree that Bricker has any principles whatsoever, they’re clearly subservient to the republicans winning, no matter the cost.

There’s black, there’s white, and there are shades in between. I could be wrong, but I don’t think Bricker’s an outright racist or sexist; I do think he’s an elitist, so I agree with critics up to a point, but in different ways, I’m also elitist, so it would be hypocritical of me to go too far in pointing out Bricker’s elitism. In any case, I think there are worse examples of conservatism run amok, many of whom are no longer posting here, fortunately.

Indeed - his behaviour is exactly the same as people who knowingly lie (or at best, seek ever-more tenuous rationalizations for disingenuity) in order to advance a religious belief. Challenge any missionary on the contradictions in his faith and you’ll get the same.

I’d like to hear more about your concept of “Whiteness.” If Clarence Thomas and Kanye West can be “White”, then it seems to me that this way of being in the world is accessible to People Of Color. It’s a cultural thing, not a racial thing. Am I correctly describing your point of view?

There is nothing honest about the ugly statement that one’s skin color or ethnicity determines one’s ideology. You only find it refreshing because the target of the slander belongs to a group you dislike.

I don’t believe that’s Huey’s point. His point (at least his main point), as I understand it, is that the societal/cultural concept of “whiteness” (which is related to but still different from the societal/cultural concept of the “white race”) is enormously powerful and influential in America, and affects nearly everyone, generally (with some exceptions) reducing the empathy and sympathy of most white Americans for non-white people, and generally (with some exceptions) reducing the rights and quality of life of most non-white Americans. And that anyone of any race can be indoctrinated by “whiteness”, even if white people are most likely to be afflicted.

I generally agree with this main point, as I understand it, even as I disagree with some of the other things Huey has said.

White culture or whatever “whiteness” is is powerful. That doesn’t mean that the concept that there is one way a person should think because of inclusion in a group is accurate. Huey’s comments are incorrect and harmful in that regards.

This is similar to saying Kanye is a “Negro who can’t read” because he wears a MAGA hat. He can read. He just chooses to think for himself. Rightly or wrongly. Regardless, we should have the ability to do that without being subjected to bigoted slanders.

Regardless, if West says and you write things that are stupid, you and he are fair game for criticism on the basis of being stupid.