Bring Stalked

Stalk hard.


Is it meant to be this?!?!?!

The girl on the far right is hot. I’d give her my stalk.

I stocking your shelves.

Are there animals involved?

I think he meant “bring stook”. But which stook and where?
Or perhaps he meant “being stoat”–which is a sure sign of mental illness and not a pleasant creature to become.
IMO, if the OP is this confused, perhaps he misconstrued the stalking, if any? and the bringing?

[Supremes] STALK … in the name of love. :smiley: [/Supremes]

Seriously… what the hell was that OP?

[aside]I LOVE Bunnicula. I made a white ceramic carrot in 5th grade art class[/aside].

So do my boys! They read the first one this year at school.

Bunnicula rocks the stalks, baby.

Vee haff vays of marking your stalk!

Final try.

If this doesn’t work I give up.

OK, that’s just…gross.

Props for your persistence, though!

ETA: Dopers prolly found this long ago, but (NSFW):

Pity my typing sucks. Anyway, seems to have given everyone a chuckle at my expense :).

Shake it off, friend. You know how squirrelly some people get.

What the hell is that pic supposed to be? How does it have anything to do with stalks? Or did a stalker do that to that person?

I don’t get it and now I saw a gross picture. Blech. Thanks… (not).
<stalks out of thread>


The goggles, they do NOTHING!

I really can’t help you with how it relates to anything. It was just sent to me in relation to a thread I made about treating sun spots and how bad Efudix cream makes you look. I hope it never makes me look like that.

Christ on a pogostick, you could have put a warning on that.