British Open

I see the thread from earlier in the week got disappeared by the mods because it was started by a spammer, so here’s a new one. Tiger hoses his chances with a triple bogey, and now Scott leads Snedeker by 2.

Links where we can see this online? :smiley:

I keep looking for threads on The Open Championship but can’t find any.

I was hoping Tiger would end up in the final group with Adam Scott (and caddie). Looks like it’s Scott’s to lose at this point.

Ernie puts a touch of pressure on there!

Is this a bigger choke than Van Der Velde at Carnoustie? I’m having a hard time thinking of a bigger choke in a major.

I thought it was over when Scott had the, IIRC, 4 shot lead with 4 to play? Incredible. And to think Tiger could have had this one if his round didn’t go completely to hell.

Ernie’s interview with the BBC was the epitome of true class.

I think ESPN HAD Snedekers score wrong. He is at -3 meaning Tiger tied for third.

Holy shit! Good for Ernie. It’s great to see him in the winners seat again after so long.

I think Van Der Velde was a bigger choke,but not by much.

Yes,Els handle it with class.I was happy for Ernie but felt terrible for Scott,I think golf is the only sport were you hope everyone makes every shot,goal,hit or what ever the case may be.

Arnold Palmer was 7 shots up on Bill Casper in 1966at the U.S. Open at Olympic Club on the 10th tee. Six shots up with 5 to go, 5 up with 4 to go and ended up tied. In the 18 hole playoff he was 2 up with 9 to go and lost by 4. He never won another major. Adam Scott, IMHO, will definitely win a major after this. It was not a meltdown, he was very unlucky in very difficult circumstances and Els played great. OTOH I was sure he would make that putt on 18 to tie. Van de Velde’s collapse is in a class by itself.

Consider, for a moment, who they lost to.

Ernie Els is one of the veteran stars of the sport, a proven champion, and winner of three (now four) majors. He has rarely been outside the top 50 in the rankings.

Paul Lawrie…


…well, 'nuff said. :slight_smile:

It really shows the depth of todays game when a 52 yr old that is at least 100 lbs overweight can finish in the top 10 of a major championship.

Many claim that Tiger is the best because the fields are deeper and stronger in history. Bullocks.

Colin Montgomerie finished in top ten? I don’t believe it.

I’m not sure what the star of The Blind Side and Speed has to do with any of this.

I would assume that notfrommensa is talking about Mark Calcavecchia. We are in an era where the fields are undoubtedly wide (lots of longshots who have an outside chance at the prize), but not necessarily deep (several elite players at the tops of their games-as in we don’t currently have any).

Actually he’s talking about Jack Nicklaus, but he likes to do that by denigrating modern field strength.

And it’s true that the quirky courses of the British Open, with their pot bunkers and unpredictable weather, often manage to get an old-timer in the top ten. Watson, Norman, now Calc. It happens.

Switching subjects, someone commented that Adam Scott would be heard from again. I’m not so sure. Not because he lacks talent, but because the PTB are making it sound very likely that long putters will be going away soon.

I’m not much of a golf fan, but there’s a new course just a couple miles from where I grew up that will be hosting the U.S. Open in a few years. Everything I read about it describes it as a links-style course. I wonder if it will favor an old-timer, too.

You might want to catch the new “Feherty” on TGC, where he interviews Peter Alliss for an hour. Alliss is best known today as an announcer, but he was one of the best players in Europe during the 50’s and 60’s. He was the leading money winner twice, and played in every Ryder Cup from 1953 to 1969 inclusive, except 1955.

In the 1965 Ryder Cup, he was teamed with Christy O’Connor, who also won the European money title twice. Together, they beat Ken Venturi and Don January in the Thursday morning foursomes, and then beat Billy Casper and Gene Littler in the afternoon foursomes. On Friday, they lost to Palmer and Dave Marr in the morning fourball, but won the rematch in the afternoon. Then on Saturday, Allis beat Billy Casper in the morning singles, and Ken Venturi in the afternoon singles.

I mention all this to let you know that he was a world class player. The relevance to your post is that he played a grand total of two majors in the US. He was invited to the Masters only five times, and only accepted twice. He told Feherty that it was just too far to travel. He never played in the US Open or the PGA.

His partner, O’Connor, the best player in Europe two years in a row, never played ANY majors other than the British Open.

Peter Thomson, who got top tens in the British Open 18 out of 21 years (1951-1971), and won five of them, played one Masters, zero US Opens, and zero PGAs during Jack’s pro career.

And of course, Jack was one of the very few Americans to go the other direction, and play the British Open every year, because its purse was only about a tenth of the big US events during the 60’s.

THAT was your 1960’s field strength. Even if you assume that there were equally numerous and talented golfers then as now (heh), only about half of them showed up at any one major. Few Americans played the British Open, and few international players played the other three.

The majors back then were not as strong as today’s Players or WGCs, let alone today’s majors. Probably not even as strong as the Memorial, or the FedEx Playoff events.

Not to mention there were no Asian, Indian, Spanish (other than ChiChi) or Fijian players and the only South African was Gary Player.