Britney Spears sliced up the belly, spawn removed

She probably just really didn’t want to stretch out the cooch any more, but couldn’t tell that to a reporter.

Surely you mean Asparagus - Gus for short.

The unfortunate kid has been named.

Preston Michael Spears Federline

PMS Federline.

Now the real fun for Cleetus begins: Interviewing them nannies! :smiley:

Thanks to everyone for a hilarious thread title and a very funny thread. :slight_smile:

The fact that we are even discussing this is helping the terrorists win.

Tonya Harding’s not doing anything.

Britney Releases New Single…
Can’t take credit. Saw it scrolling on a news show.

First the kid, now this.

That’s the last thing I need: To go on a date with a girl that smells like cupcakes, by a fragrance ‘designed’ by a tart.

Oy vey.

How can you be sure that the smell is “cupcakes” exactly?

“Hm, you smell like cake, but smaller.”

I feel sorry for the kid. If the baby had been a girl, I feel like I wouldn’t feel as sorry. I’m not sure why.


Funniest post in this thread.

She will most likely be no worse a mother than any other 24 year old with a wildly unstable life.

This just in: the baby is already grown and has left the hospital crying “Bow to me! I am the Horned One!” They think it’s just diaper rash, but I’m not so sure.

How funny is it going to be when she has a big, nasty C-section scar in her next video?

Ya know, having c-sections has pretty much permanently messed up my stomach muscles. If she’s thinking she’s going to do a few crunches and get those tight abs right back, she’s got a surprise coming…

Well, maybe. I can hope. Probably her babies didn’t weight 10 pounds though. That might have had something to do with it. Still, vaginal birth is easier to recover from most of the time.

Preach it sister! 2 months and 15 days since my c-section and my wound hasn’t still healed completely.

Avoiding pain. Meh!

My husband and I have discussed double entendres that we’ve seen here and there, and he (former college newspaper editor) maintains that there are NO coincidental phrases - more like, copy writers giggling together over what they’ve managed to get past the editor.

Oh yeah, the OP - meh. Don’t know, don’t care about Britney and her kids.

“Blanket” Jackson - that’s funny. Aren’t all of Michael’s kids named Prince Michael Jackson?*
*Yes, I know, just the two boys are named Prince Michael Jackson, and the girl is named Paris Michael Jackson. That’s not crazy at all.

Dag nab it, I also meant to add, you should write headlines for everything, every day, Happy.

If the terrorists see how much news coverage Britney, her cheating husband, and their new worthless kid are getting, they may just give up and go home. Here’s hoping!

So what did she name the poor thing?