Britney Spears sliced up the belly, spawn removed

Eh, why is it such a concern for so many? I’d be such a pussy and have c-section, thinking it wouldn’t be so painful, wrong or not. Who really gives a s**t. She’ll learn. And all the paparazzi cares about snapping the first photos of the baby because they’ll make bank…

Sean Preston Spears Federline weighed in at 6 lbs., 11 oz. No less an authority than Carmen Electra believes Britney is “going to be a wonderful mom”.

It has been said that her scar is “small and low” however that is possible. Not to mention, she can afford ab sculpting and lipo and a tummy tuck; meaning: she’ll be fine! Yes, yes. We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief for Britney’s obliques.

And Sternvogel, we aren’t sure what the kid is named yet. First it was Preston Michael Spears Federline. Then it was Sean Preston Spears Federline. Now it is reported (from a “close friend” of course) that the kid is named Christian Michael Spears Federline.

I like the last one (I like Preston Michael, but that poor kid. . . you can’t name your kid PMS).

I hope she gets hot again. I also hope she dumps the pony tail havin, sock with flip flop wearin’ fool.

I suspect little Michael will handing Momma her turnin’ stick on more than one occasion in the future.

It was also announced tonight that she would like to start making baby items, including diapers called, “Oops! I did it again!”


Well then she needs to market with a dirty diaper bin called “Toxic.”

Even my scar is “small and low.” It’s amazing what they can pull out of a 6-inch incision (10-lb. babies evidently), and I would have to be wearing the tiniest of string bikinis for it to show. But the entire stomach area from above-navel to scar has never been the same since.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Well, I feel fine.

And if she forgets to empty said bin before she hits the sack, she can wake up the next morning and sing: “Now the smell’s stronger/ than yesterday…”

I know I’m a little late, but I feel compelled to add a :smiley:

I third (fourth?) the :smiley: sentiment! It’s in my aim profile now - it’s so funny I had to share the giggles!