Brussels/Amsterdam travel suggestions?


Hey guys. I’ve been a lurker on the boards for… wow, almost eight years now. I visit the boards at least three times per week, but I’ve never really felt like I’d be able to meaningfully contribute to the community here. But… you know what? I’ve given you eight years of my life*, it’s time I got something out of it! :slight_smile:

*Never mind the small fact that I never actually gave or contributed anything during that time… :smiley:

Anyway, a short introduction is in order. I’m a 21 year old college student from Texas. I was part of the pre-med program at my school, until I realized that chemistry and I don’t get along. Now I’m a German major/Bio minor, and I hope to go to grad school for applied linguistics once I graduate. I’m currently in my second semester abroad in Vienna, Austria.

/first post

In a few days I’m going to Brussels and Amsterdam for spring break. I’ve never been there, and I’m looking for some advice on what to do and what to see. I’ll have about four days in each location, and I’d like to see as much as I can during that time. I’m not very interested in art museums and the like, but I love architecture; especially anything Gothic. Other museums are great, but I AM on a student’s budget, so cheap is preferable. :slight_smile:

Lots of old threads, esp on A-dam.

Aaand… I can’t search again for a while. That’ll get you started. Consider some day trips from Brussels-- especially Bruges (of course), Ghent, Leuven. Also if Amsterdam starts to bore you (hah) Haarlem and Delft (among others) are easy to get to.

I was in Brussels in February. Here are some comments that I made in a previous thread.

As **capybara **noted, you can do day trips to a lot of interesting places. Bruges, Ghent and Leuven are all well worth a look.