Buffy 1st series Darla Q


Watching re-runs on Fox…Angel spikes Darla…POOF!


How does she come back? ( I’m too impatient to wait )


She comes back when Wolfram and Hart bring her back. That was on Angel, not Buffy.

more spoilers

To elaborate- she was killed very early on in the first season of Buffy but was a recurring character via flashbacks in pretty much every episode that dealth with Angel’s past.

At the end of the first season of Angel she was brought back to life by Wolfram and Hart, but as a human. Alas, she was dying of syphilis, which was what was killing her as a human. Angel tried his best to save her, but she was vamped by Drusilla (making her her own grandma, incidentally). After becoming pregnant with angel’s son this season she staked herself so that the baby could live.

thanx guys!

I must have missed tha Angel ep where W&H brought her back.

Miss one and you may as well be staked.

Watching the re-runs is a lot of fun, because everything means something.

e.g. Willow says in ep. 5 or 6 of series 1 Buffy that she could
learn to love someone with a hairy back.

hee hee

This confused the heck out of me when people started saying that Darla was going to have Angel’s baby. They told me that she was an old BtVS character, and for the life of me I couldn’t remember who she was until I saw S1 reruns on FX. Then I was even more confused until it was explained that she got brought back on Angel…some times I wonder if I’ve missed much since I stopped watching Angel.

Yes. Yes, you have. Angel is not quite as good as Buffy, but the difference is only detectable with advanced electron microscopes.

On a somewhat related note, according to Joss, Darla was originally supposed to be killed in the second episode(the harvest)*. In the original script, she died at the bronze when willow threw holy water on her. However, Joss and others were so impressed with her that they decided to have her run off in pain instead.
*from the commentary on the DVD

I am hoping to resuscitate this thread because WordGal and I are watching the first season DVDs (she’s getting way into Buffy after many years of teasing!).

After watching the BtVS season one ep “Angel” where Darla dies, we immediately became curious. I’m just glad I did a search before I posted my own question about Darla’s getting poofed - this thread provides the answer.

Next question - as a non-Angel watcher (simply not enough time for more than one addictive series), two questions:

  1. How can a human Darla become pregnant by Angel, a vampire, even if he does have a soul?

  2. Why does she have to stake herself so the baby can live?

Thank you for continued spoilage…

  1. It has something to do with an ancient prophecy.

2)Her vampire immune system was killing the baby,and apparently vamps don’t go into labor.

One wonders why they didn’t just perform a caesarian section? :slight_smile:

  1. How can a human Darla become pregnant by Angel, a vampire, even if he does have a soul?

AFAIK, they haven’t fully covered this yet. One of them thair prop’cy thingys.
2) Why does she have to stake herself so the baby can live?

According to Angel (mind you, I haven’t seen the episode but I’ve read the script) vampires’ bodies aren’t designed to give birth. Darla was going through a horrible labor, and it turned out that the only way for the baby to be born was to stake herself. Vampire=dust, baby=laying on the pavement.

A human Darla didn’t become pregnant, it was vampire Darla that did. Which makes it twice as :confused: when she showed up pregnant.

She couldn’t give birth naturally. Her labour was fairly bad, but the baby wouldn’t come. There was also something protecting the baby by not allowing anything to harm Darla, so a C-section was out because the force protecting the baby wouldn’t allow Darla to be cut open.

Don’t forget the part (forgive me if I don’t get it exactly right) where amoral, destructive Darla confesses to Angel that she loves this baby and is afraid to give birth because she thinks the baby itself is giving her these gentle feelings and if it were born, she could hate it again (the baby’s soul in her body was making her less of a monster, but she was afraid she would lose that “soul” influence after the baby was born).

So, the baby can’t be born, and she loves it desperately and she is afraid of the possibilities of herself and the baby once she is no longer under the effect of its soul.

Her staking herself so the baby could live was one of the most powerful, really beautiful events in the entire Buffyverse.

Maybe I should start watching Angel?

Never much liked the character on BtVS, but these storylines seem so fascinating…

Then there’s Wesley…

She was a great character. I wish they could find a good way to bring her back. The conflict between her, Angel, and Connor could be really interesting.

I completely agree, and I think that one moment went a long way towards redeeming what was a very bad season overall.

What about the season was bad? I thought it had a great deal of character development and some great episodes.