Buffy 5/22/01---What now?

Now that Buffy is dead and buried, what happens next? There apparently is going to be a sixth season of BtVS on UPN, so I assume that Joss Whedon will resurrect her or retitle the show, “The Scooby Gang.”
Looking back on the whole season, one can see that Buffy’s death was foreshadowed: in the episode where spike recounts killing two previous Slayers, he mentions that they both had a death wish; Buffy had mentioned in several episodes how hopeless her life was; and, of course, the First Slayer had said, “Death is your gift.”
In addition, an interview with Marc Blucas I read said that Riley would be back for the season ender, so where was he?

Don’t worry. SMG signed for two more seasons, so they’ll find a way to bring her back, just like they did for Angel when Buffy killed him. Don’t forget, she’s been dead before.

I suspect the Powers that Be will be find a way. Did they ever explain how Angel just reappeared?

Heck, maybe Spike can turn her into a vamp. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head?

The Angel coming back mystery was solved in (I think) season 3’s holiday episode. He was being haunted by the ghosts of some of his victims, including Ms Callender, and the hauntings were produced by the sect that brought him back from hell or wherever, because they wanted him.

The way I look at the season finale is, Buffy did a wonderful thing dying for humanity, and I’m sure she’ll soon be brought back to life. Again. I wonder if she’s part cat?

Here’s the best theory I’ve heard so far: Buffy’s soul is now trapped in the Hell Dimension. But on last night’s “Angel,” Angel and his crew returned from Lorn’s dimension with a woman who knows how to open inter-dimensional portals. Angel’s crew can return with Willow to Sunnydale, open the appropriate portal, and rescue Buffy’s soul. That does leave the pesky matter of her presumably dead body, but I’m sure they’ll work something out.

…or they’ll just pretend like all that Glory stuff never happened and will continue from there.

With a living Buffy.

See, this is the value of reading lots of comic books: I can think of about a dozen ways for a dead character to come back to life, just off the top of my head. :slight_smile:

You got your life force transfer. You got your Powers That Be resurrect her. You got your Spike makes her into a vampire herself. You got your alternate dimensions thingy. You got your Willow casts a resetting time spell. You got that resurrection spell that Dawn tried to use on Joyce, only this time it works right. You got your that wasn’t really Buffy cop-out. You’ve even got your clone storyline, although Spider-Man may have completely ruined the idea of clones for me.

See, they’re just loaded with options. I shall just wait patiently and see what Joss has up his sleeve.