WTH! They took over a government facility, trashed it, harassed the locals, caused thousands and thousands of dollars to be spent on law enforcement and they get off scottfree? So if i want to use the local DMV office for my personal space that’s ok?
Jury pool of some at least quasi-sympathetic locals? But note from your link, some of the ilk may not go free:
They call that White Man’s Priviledge, …I mean burden.
Damn those federal jurors unanimously deciding, after having all the information presented to them, that these men were not guilty of what they were accused of.
In your opinion, Okrahoma, what did they do, then? How did they come to control the building?
What did the 11 that pled guilty do? They had to have done something, if they were pleading guilty to the charges. Should they be allowed to walk with no consequences?
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I have no idea. I have not followed this at all and had no interest in it, really. But I see that not one, but so far **three **juries that were presented all the information about these events either deadlocked or acquitted. Three. If it was just one you could (barely) handwave it away as some kind of nullification nuts. Three you cannot.
Yeah, the fact that they committed the crime, were videoed doing the crime, talked about the crime, planned the crime, and confessed to the crime is irrelevant.
And to think it’s the Republican Party that accuses Democrats of being easy on criminals.
They are criminals, conspirators, and terrorists as far as I’m concerned.
But, since they are white and wear cowboy hats, they are made out to be fuckin’ heroes.
They just needed space to destroy.
They are right wing; as such, they are above the law. Simple as that.
You should make that your sig line.
The article you link to is confusing. It’s dated Aug. 24 of this year but I’m pretty sure the Oregon case was decided last year; the case that was decided a few days ago was in Las Vegas and pertained to Bundy’s followers not the Bundys themselves. Or am I missing something?
In any event, there have been now 2 trials in which jurors have blatantly ignored evidence and decided against a conviction. Now had it been 4 black guys being charged with selling drugs they’d probably get convicted and sentenced to hard time. There is no logical explanation for the verdicts other than jurors having some sympathy for their cause. Occupying a government-owned building, destroying government-owned property, and holing up there with guns and ammo are federal crimes - it’s black and white. There’s no room for analyzing anything. But this is how the conservative brain works.
The activists jurors might think they’re taking a stand against the big bad gubmint but all they’re doing is encouraging an escalation, and it’s an escalation that will have a body count. We went through this shit back in the 1990s and it ended up with David Koresh burning children alive and Tim McVeigh blowing up a federal building.
At least they spend a year and a half in jail awaiting trial, losing jobs, losing businesses, etc. They should have died in a cage, but at least they didn’t get off with no consequences.
I expect that’s exactly what they want. The Right is full of people who fantasize about a great uprising of White God-Fearing Righteous Men who will sweep across the nation and kill anyone who isn’t a straight, right wing white Christian, and reduce women to their proper place as breeding animals and sex slaves.
“You guys don’t know what you’re talking about!” taunts man who knows nothing about subject.
We should at least get to see the footage of their lawyer being tackled and stun-gunned for screaming like an idiot after the verdict was read.
Do you feel the same way about the Native Americans who forcibly occupied Alcatraz for two years? The government didn’t prosecute any of them.
There should be a single policy to deal with anyone who occupies federal land illegally.
The land was abandoned and had been declared surplus federal property.
It was not a forced occupation and property was not destroyed.
More of a prolonged sit-in.
Did they have jobs? I remember during the hold off and right after there was info about many of these guys that showed them to be lazy pucks. The dude that was shot had a bazillion foster kids that he got paid thru the government for “taking care of.” A some others were on disability pay for some thing or another. But the best of the best had wives that worked and took care of the family so the big, tough, righteous warrior could go play army with his friends. Freaking losers.
ps were people working at Alcrataz at the time it was held? In Burns employees wanted to return to work after the holidays, plus many outsiders come for the bird sanctuary. Not to mention that many folks in the the town of Burns felt threatened by those oafs.