Bush caught in a bald faced lie.


From his own website.

Why aren’t there more cry’s for impeachment?

I despise a liar.

What, you wanna see President Cheney?

Not that we don’t already have that, but, I mean with his name on the stationery in the Oval Office and everything…

Cheney wouldn’t be a lame duck president.

He’d be a dead duck president.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell whether Fearless Leader is a horribly arrogant cuss who thinks he can do any damned thing he pleases, or just so addleminded that he just doesn’t remember what he says from moment to moment (seems to me that sometime this weekend he indicated that he knew what he was doing vis-a-vis these wiretaps was contrary to law; he definitly stated he was going to keep on doing it).


the ‘spin’ is that speech referred to the Patriot Act only.


I am all for impeachment. I think that violations of the Constitution are certainly “high crimes.” But look at the lineup if Bush is removed from office.

Things may also be smoothed over because we are at war. War for the wrong reasons? Yes. A war the may result in the election of religious fanatics? Yes. But are they going to impeach a President during war time?

I will really be surprised if we have the kind of open hearings that were held on Nixon. Meanwhile, even environmental groups are apparently a threat to our national security. (Damn those vegan communities!)

I spy something and the color of it is red, white and blue.

Clearly, Bush isn’t a liar: His speechwriter simply didn’t know that the program–which is an invaluable tool in acheiving complete victory over the terrorists–existed. If Bush corrected the speechwriter, then he would have been implying that the program did, in fact, exist. In doing so he would have spread vital national secrets, and made the US a more dangerous place to live, and made it harder for the US to achieve complete victory. If you think Bush shouldn’t have said that, then you’re saying that he should have instead corrected the speechwriter, thus making the US a more dangerous place to live and making it harder for us to achieve complete victory over the terrorists.

Why would you expect him to acknowledge such a program in his speech? Do you want to make it easier for the terrorists to make the US a more dangerous place to live? Do you want to rob us of valuable tools that make acheiving complete victory over the terrorists–the very terrorists that want to make the US a more dangerous plcae to live–easier?

Cocksucking dissenting liberal swine. Now, I’m not saying that you’re cocksucking liberal swine–dissent is an important part of our national heritage, which is currently being threatened by terrorists, who want to make the US a more dangerous place to live. Dissent is a vital part of our political process, even when it helps terrorists make the US a more dangerous place to live and makes it harder to acheive complete victory.

Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

Bush is a liar? What else is new?

What is new is that Republicans are begining to consider that:

Simple explanation: “any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap…”

The recent wiretap issue was a top secret program, and so no government agent should have been talking about.


So when the next Twin Towers or goverment building comes tumbling down and thousand of innocent lives are lost; PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT “where was our security?” :rolleyes:

Jessus people we’re in a fucking war FCOL! Why hell are people getting so upset because they think big brother might be listening in on aunt Betsy exchanging recipes with cousin Betty-jo?

Get the fuck over yourselves already.

I’m not a Bush advocate mind you but when it comes to out nations safety; by all means, do what is necessary. I know I for one haven’t forgoten 9/11 as some of seemingly have.

Dennis Miller, is that you?

I’d prefer to not give up the essential liberties this nation was founded on, thank you very much. In the minds of cowards, there will always be a danger that justifies the removal of those liberties. We can fight these dangers, and fight them with great vigor and tenacity, without betraying the core ideals that lie at the heart of our republic.

Some of us are against the mere potential to abuse power and take away freedoms that were supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution. 9/11 has nothing to do with it. It was a terrible thing that, according to the 9/11 Commission, was badly handled by the government (I’ll find a good cite on that in a little bit). It’s not about infringing on security and freedoms, it’s about taking an old system that could have worked and using it how it should be used. Sure, there are undoubtedly things that could be improved, as with everything, but this is not how it should be done.

Don’t bring 9/11 into this discussion. Using it like that, SHAKES, is to use it as nothing other than a buzzword (not that the current administration hasn’t) and takes away from what it should truly mean.

Yah all he has to do is say 9/11… safety… security…and certain parties give him a pass. Bull Shit. There is no earthly reason he was not able to get warrents unless he was spying for political reasons. The special judges have said no to warrents that were asked to a grand total of 5 times out of some 20,000 requests. There was not even a need to get the warrent before starting tapping, The requirement was to ask within three days of starting.

I am sorry, at this point, this administration could say it was raining outside and I would check before I looked for my umbrella, I can’t see just trusting them on this one.

I just looked (pretty quickly) through the 9/11 Commission Report and could not find the line that I was looking for, so I retract (for the moment, anyway) my statement earlier. What I was thinking of was a quote from Tim Roemer (an Indiana congressman) about the administration’s poor handling of things since (Time, December 19).

The rest of my post still stands.

Only if somebody jumped out and yelled, “Boo!”

Posted by SHAKES:

Let me check – yep, this is the Pit. Great. SHAKES, I’d like you to consider fucking yourself, and while you’re doing that, please think about the fact that none of us here have “forgoten”, you semiliterate jingo-spouting lackwit, about 9/11. It’s just that we’re not all cringing, fair-weather patriots ready to let the President act like a king because he says it’s the only way he can protect us against the bad men. Pussy.

As for Bush – that asshole couldn’t lie straight in bed.

You cannot win this war by compromising the principles which guide this country.

The first rule of Fascist Club is…