I’m pretty sure that there is a ‘satire’ disclaimer somewhere in the paper itself.
Wrong again. The Miami Herald.
C’mon. Condi has a lot more class than that. (I mean, sure, she’ll shill her soul for the power jobs he gives her, but actually having a romance with it. . . ?)
She’s called him her “husband” before.
The National Enquirer, ftr, was the one that lost a huge libel case to Carol Burnett after “reporting” her having a drunken tantrum in a restaurant. Maybe they’ve been “reasonably accurate” since ?
The “outing” (*your * word) was by the Herald on May 2, 1988. The Enquirer didn’t get photos until May 5.
January 23, 2007, 2:17am
Miami Herald, which staked him out and discovered his overnight motel dalliance with party girl Donna Rice, that broke the story. The Herald did what it said it did, and ran the account in a May 10, 1987 , article titled “The Gary Hart Story: How It Happened.”
Bolding added.
Two reporters from the Miami Herald had staked out his residence and observed an attractive young woman coming out of Hart’s Washington, D.C., townhouse on the evening of May 2. The Herald published the story on Sunday, May 3, the same day Hart’s dare appeared in print, and the scandal spread rapidly through the national media. Hart and his allies attacked the Herald for rushing the story into print, claiming that it had unfairly judged the situation without finding out the true facts. Hart claimed that the reporters had not watched both entrances to his home and could not have seen when the young woman entered and left the building. The Miami Herald reporter had flown to Washington, D.C. on the same flight as the woman, identified as Donna Rice. Hart was dogged with questions regarding his views on marital infidelity. In public, his wife, Lee, supported him, claiming the relationship with the young woman was innocent.[4]
The Herald obtained photographs of Hart aboard the Monkey Business with then-29-year-old model Donna Rice, sitting in over-50 year-old Hart’s lap. The photographs were subsequently published in the National Enquirer. On May 8, 1987, a week after the Donna Rice story broke, Hart dropped out of the race.
So, as mentioned, the photos published in the National Enquirer “outed” Hart as a liar as well as an adulterer.
As you seem fairly desperate to find something where you are not as wrong as usual, it seems cruel to deny you whatever scraps you can scrape from all this.
So I will leave you to it.